Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sunday Stealing: The 7 Layer Meme

 Hmm - I like it when quick questions are posted for the Sunday quiz. I've got to go out and buy a pair of marigolds (rubber gloves) as I'm off to see Rocky Horror at an old Art House cinema tonight - and I'm not in the mood to go full Rocky. Pity I don't have some scrubs about the place. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

 LAYER 1: Tell us your...

* Eye color: Dark green. Some would call then hazel. I think dark green suits them better.

* Hair color: It's a golden brown at the moment, but I have no idea what my natural hair colour is at the moment. Probably has a lot more grey than I will admit to. 

* Height: 166 centimetres, or 5'5 and a bit in the old language. 

* Righty or lefty: I'm ambidextrous with a leaning to the right. I write with my right hand. Do lots of things well with my left. I can only use scissors with my left hand. Weird. 

LAYER 2: What's...

* Your heritage: I'm fifth generation white Australian. Cornish and Welsh on Mum's side, Southern English with a bit of Scottish on Dad's side. 

* The shoes you wore today: Birkenstock Mayaris. It is summer. 

* Your weakness: ice cream. And Clive Owen. 

* Your fears: Huntsman Spiders and Conservative politics. 

* Your perfect pizza: Mexican Hot or Meat Lovers. I'll just eat pizza - prefer the Italian style without too many toppings. 

* Goals you’d like to achieve: Get a book successfully published. 

* Your first waking thoughts: I want a cuddle and where's my cat. 

* Your best physical feature: Eyes and ankles. 

* Your most missed memory: How do you miss a memory? I don't get this question. 

LAYER 3: Do you...

* Smoke: Not anymore. I haven't for about 15 years. 

* Cuss:  Selectively and sparingly. Very careful about who I swear around. 

* Sing:  In the shower. 

* Do you think you’ve been in love: I'm not sure about this one. Maybe. 

* Did you go to college: Yes. A few times. I have a Master's Degree. 

* Liked high school: No, I hated it. The classes were fine. The rest was awful. 

* Believe in yourself: I do now. 

* Think you’re attractive:  No, but I'm not as ugly as I think I am, and I'm lovely on the inside, which is what matters. 

* Think you’re a health freak: No, but I do look after myself. 

* Like thunderstorms: Love them. 

* Play an instrument: I used to play the flute at school. I can still get notes out of it. 

LAYER 4: In the past month have you…

* Drunk alcohol: Yes, but not to excess. 

* Smoked:  No

* Done a drug:  Only the prescription ones I take - noting illicit. 

* Made out:  No, unless kissing the cat on the top of the head counts. 

* Gone on a date: No

* Gone to the mall: Yes - but that is where the supermarket can be found. 

* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Hells no. Ew. And Oreos come in a rolled packet here. 

* Eaten sushi:  Yes

* Been on stage: No

* Been dumped:  No 

* Gone skating: No - it's Summer here, and besides, I don't skate. 

* Gone skinny dipping: No but ask me this next month and the answer will probably be a bit different. 

LAYER 5: Have you ever…

* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Many, many years ago. 

* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Of course. I went to university and lived in residence. 

* Been caught “doing something”: And what is something? If you don't define what something is, I can't tell you if I've been caught doing it. 

* Been called a tease: Yes. I'm not, but things are changing, thank goodness. 

* Gotten beaten up: No, thank goodness. 


* Age you did get/hope to be married: I'm not actually certain I wanted to ever get married, if I'm completely honest. Never been in the type of relationship which would ever lead to marriage. 

* How do you want to die: Quietly, in my sleep, surrounded by friends. 

* What did you want to be when you grew up: A doctor or an astronaut or a writer. I became a writer. 

* What country would you most like to visit: At the moment, it's France and Japan, but I'd like to spend a lot more time in the United Kingdom. I still miss it. 

LAYER 7: Now tell...

* Name a person you could trust with your life: A couple of my good friends. I won't name one. 

* Name a favorite CD that you own: Stings, Ten Summoner's Tales. It's a great album. It still gets played regularly. 

* Number of piercings: At the moment, two - both ears. They were done twice, but over COVID the second holes have closed over. 

* Number of tattoos: One. It's very small and out of the way and I've had it since the late nineties. 

* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Twice. there was a birth notice and I think I was mentioned in my father's death notice.

* Name a past experience that you regret: Regrets are wasted emotions. There are a few things I'd do differently given the time over, but it's not worth dwelling on. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    I've never seen the Rocky Horror Show but I've met Richard O'Brien who wrote it. I have a photo with him somewhere (Lord knows where).

    Just seen an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Clive Owen is playing a pompous "luvvie" version of himself. It's very funny - I recommend it.




  2. I have a LOT of Sting albums, plus The Police box set!

  3. One of my best friends has Sting's albums. Plays it always when I visit.

    I share those fears.

    Have a great weekend!
