Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Compassion International

 I've had a weekend on the couch. Just feeling off colour - but I'm perking up. And at least it isn't COVID - don't want that again.

Anyway, let's get on with this week's questions, bought to us by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you ever have funny dreams at night?

Rarely. I don't dream often, but when I do, they tend to be funny - or disturbing. 

2. If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?

Be kind. Always. How hard can that be.?

3. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

Probably sneak into movie theatres and catch up on everything I've missed in the last few months. 

4. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?

This is a daft question. I'm just good being me. Being somebody else would be hard. Mind you, I'd like to be a man for a day, just to see what it is like having a penis. 

5. What would you like to change about yourself?

I'd love a much faster metabolism allowing me to eat what I want without putting on weight. 

6. What is your daily routine.

I wake at around 7 a.m, normally getting up around 8 a.m. Feed the cat, feed myself and make a coffee, then on weekdays,  I set up my computer and go to work. After work I will go to the gym, do some writing, make dinner and go to bed around midnight. It's normally a variation of this. 

7. What would your perfect day be like? What would you be doing?

A perfect day would involve a lot of writing, a lot of reading, a great movie and dinner with friends at a fabulous French restaurant. 

8. How old were you when you learned to read?

About 4. I know I got to school and had some reading already. I was always really curious about reading. 

9. What is the most interesting thing you know?

I know how to knit cables. I always thought it would be hard, but it's not.

10 What makes you nervous?

Conservative politicians and people who stick to your back bumper when you're driving on the freeway. 

11. What is your favourite flower?

Roses. Sunflowers come a close second. 

12. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?

Yes. We had a pony when I was a child. I've also had an elephant ride when I was in Thailand one time. 

13. What time do you go to bed?

Around midnight. 

14. What time do you get up?

Around 8 a.m. but I've been awake for around half an hour by then. 

15. What is something that is always in your refrigerator?

Pick from the following: 

  • Home brewed kombucha
  • Fizzy water
  • Eggs
  • Pickled ginger
  • A plethora of Asian sauces and condiments.
  • Half a block of butter.
  • A packet of smoked salad
  • Various vegetables in the crisper in various states of expiration

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely take your perfect day.
    My cat wants to be fed RIGHT NOW!
