Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Sound Bath

 The Event: Drone

The Venue: Tempo Rubato, Bresse Street, Brunswick.

Tickets: Online $10

My arty-farty, witchy, spiritual crone needs to be fed regularly with events that nourish the soul. Once a fortnight you find me sitting in a closed kabbalah meditation session, chanting in Hebrew. I've been doing this for years. This is necessary for the world - a happy Pandora is a sane Pandora. 

And when I can get my hands on it, I like to go for a sound bath. 

A sound bath?

Yep, exactly what it sounds like. You let yourself be bathed in sound. I've been doing this for years too when I can find it. I have a marvelous friend, Shervin Boolorian, who I met in Bali. Shervin is a sound healer of the highest order. An earthbound angel, he can magic your torments away with his Sound Medicine sessions using natural and indigenous instruments, such as digeridoos, bells, drums, whistles - you name it. A one-on-one healing session with him is possibly the most potent healing I've ever had the fortune to receive. 

Regardless, I resonate with sound bathing sessions, and when my friend Anthony Artmann advertised he'd be doing a session, I was up for it. Besides, we need to support our friends. 

I've bore witness to Anthony's sound meditations before and they've been good, but I had a feeling this would be next level. 

Arriving bang on time, thanks to Metro Trains, I took my seat in the circle, saying hello to some friends in the room. 

And then we started. 

Anthony, with the help of some friends, took us on a wonderful sound journey. Using a synth base, the hour session was peppered with other sounds and music to help take you to a state of real relaxation. 

The tenor saxaphone, a guitar, a ukulele, and a double bass melted with some human voices. We were told, but not encouraged to add to the sound cloud with our own voices. There was some humming and a bit of Tuvan throat singing around the place. I found myself giving voice to a note now and then. Having participated in voice clouds in the past, I know how powerful these can be. As this was a first session, it was good to see it happening. 

And then it was over. What was an hour felt like about 15-20 minutes. It was most wonderful. 

Being the first public session of Drone, there were one or two things that could have made this even better, such as giving an instruction to bring a yoga mat. I reckon I would have got even more out of this lying down. This small adjustment would have upped the sessions power even more. 

And ten minutes later, my restored soul walked out into the Brunswick sunshine. 

I'll be going to future sessions as I find this one of the best ways to relax. And you're in good hands with Anthony. 

Today's song:

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