Monday, March 20, 2023

Auditions and Actions

 It's been a day where some big things have happened. 

First up, I managed to finish Demon Copperhead, our book group book - all 550 pages of it - and it was started last Monday. The book is sublime, and I wish I could have lingered over it more. 

Secondly, I put a deposit down on my place at the Gunna's Retreat in Paris in October. To make this happen, money has to be put down and plans made. The retreat is from 5-14 October. I'm looking to go to England for a couple of days before, and catch up with some friends. There's a chance that Reindert may visit his parents around the same time - and we might be able to catch up before the retreat. Then back to London and home. I've be gone about three weeks. I need this. 

And lastly, I auditioned a new personal trainer today. Cleo is moving to Spain in early May, so thought it best to start looking for somebody now. Trainers are a good thing. They keep me in the gym and they keep me honest. 

So I met Saxon today for a meet and greet. 



"Yeah. Shit, you look like you're 12."

He did. 

We talked about a lot of things. Fitness goals, why I've got a PT in my life. What I get out of it. Working out with Jay. What was I after?

Then he put me through a light workout. Some body weight squats - hampered a little by an aching lower back and some tight butt muscles. All good. Overhead shoulder presses - he listened. Light weights. Easy. Bench presses with dumbbells. All good. 

Then he started on wanting to know what my core strength was like. 

I like when my body surprises people. 

Somebody slapped my arse on the dance floor at the retreat the other day. My butt is like concrete. I've been working out for 15 years. It should be rock hard. There's a lot of muscle in there.  

Anyway, he said to lie down on a mat and put myself into a tabletop position and reach up. 


Hmm, he said. Okay, can you straighten one leg, and then change them over. 12 of them. 

Okay, a little bit harder, but still not a stretch. 

"Hmm, do you want to try the third level?" he asked. 


Opposing arms and legs go down. Do it slowly and hold at the bottom. That was the instructions. 

I did as requested. 12 times over. 

"And how hard was that on a scale from 1-10," he asked

About a six or seven. 

"There is nothing wrong with your core strength."

"No shit, Sherlock. My best plank time was eight minutes. "

"Okay. You're doing well."

"How old do you think I am?" I asked. 

"I dunno. 42."

"I'll take that."

I told him my actual age. I warned him that I swear and talk politics during training. I told him I'm old and I don't jump or do burpees. But if I don't like something I'll ask for something else. 

Jay will have to check him out, see if she likes him. 

The fact that he listens may mean we've found a good one. 

Today's song: 

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