Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Billy Bragg at the Forum

 Quick notes from tonight's Billy Bragg gig at The Forum. 

1) Middle aged people know how to queue. 

2) What is the collective noun for middle aged men? They were out in force here, with their dad bods and bald spots and glasses, shoving on a bad t-shirt, trying to look cool. They were probably the same guys who were at The Pixies concert. 

3) Hosier Lane is a great place to queue. 

4) Billy Bragg is an awesome human being. 

5) There is something to be said being in a room 2000 other rabid lefties. You don't find many conservatives at a Billy Bragg gig. 

6) I love when an artist plays your favourite song at a gig, See Today's song. He played it. I was very happy. 

7) Billy Bragg is a chatty bloke. Line of the night," I'm sixty-five-years-old. Give me a fucking break..."

8) There was a lot of talk about a lot of social issues. This was expected. It's great to hear from somebody so informed. It was also fantastic to hear how he's been going around joining picket lines. He say this song, which he penned for the Miner's Strike 40 years ago. (And if you haven't seen the film Pride (2014) hunt it out. It's on BritBox.)

9) After a night where domestic violence was discussed, I still walked home from the tram with my keys laced between my fingers. Force of habit. 

10) I want chocolate. This going out on a school night is hard. 

It was a great night. 

Today's song: 

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