Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Pointless Cleaning

 I have a flat inspection tomorrow so I'm madly cleaning and tidying. Papers have been put in piles. Shoes are in the cupboard in the room shoes go to die (aka the spare room). Windowsills have been dusted. The cat hair tumbleweeds have been hoovered up. I've just finished the ironing pile. The floors are mopped. The vibrator has been placed in the drawer away from prying eyes. 

It's not perfect, but it's respectable - and as I'm working from home tomorrow, I will be here when the land agent comes through. 

It's pointless cleaning. 

I'm not running a meth lab. 

I'm not hoarding, unless you want to talk about the piles of books around the place.

I don't have 25 students living in the spare room. 

The cat is on the lease along with me. "Pandora and Lucifer Behr" - we officially co-habitate according to Yarra Council. 

I'm as ready as I can be. 

And the flat will be back to its scruffy self by next weekend. I'm in Darwin next week so I don't have a chance to mess it up.

Best get back to it. 

Today's song: 

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