Saturday, March 18, 2023

Sunday Stealing: One to Ten

 Let's get the Sunday Questions out of the way before I try and get Demon Copperhead finished for Tuesday's book group and do other things. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

One song that describes my life:


Two things I wish I had more of in my life:

Take your pick: 

Money and travel.

Oysters and Sex

Time and bum glue (would help get the novel back on track.)

You decide. 

Three ways I relax:

  • Exercising
  • Reading
  • Watching television/films/theatre

Four of my best accomplishments:

  • Surviving my childhood reasonably unscathed
  • Getting some of my short stories published
  • Gaining a Masters degree with a High Distinction average
  • Not being in debt

Five things I am looking forward too:

  • Going to Darwin next Sunday for work
  • Hopefully going to Paris in October
  • Finishing Demon Copperhead - this is both an achievement and a desire. I have about 250 pages to go and it needs to be read for book group on Tuesday. 
  • Finishing tidying my flat for the inspection on Thursday. I'll be much happier when that is all done. 
  • Falling in love again. We live in hope. 

Six things I am grateful for:

  • My friends
  • My health
  • That I am employable (and now have a job that takes me interstate once a month for the next eight months. 
  • My cat - he's awesome and a character
  • That the Labor government is in power, even if they do make the odd dodgy decision (Submarines, much)
  • That I'm well over halfway finished Demon Copperhead, and I am enjoying it. 

Seven facts about me:

  • I'm polite beyond expectation or necessity
  • I love to swear, but in very select circumstances
  • I can't drink red wine - it gives me insomnia and turns my stomach, and I miss it, but there is no point. 
  • It's suspected that I have mild ADHD - have to talk to my doctor about this.
  • I have no real idea what my natural hair colour is at the moment. 
  • I drive a red Mazda CX-3 named Derek. 
  • I love baby animals more than anything else in the world. 

Eight things I can see from where I am sitting:

  • The fish factory and the gym on the street outside the window. 
  • A packet of cat treats sitting on the windowsill
  • My backpack/work bag, which is unzipped and stuff is falling out of it. 
  • My knitting projects - a cable scarf and a blue beanie for an former workmate. 
  • My ironing pile. 
  • An unlit candle from the Richmond Candle Co - double wick in their glorious Montana scent
  • My television with the movie Pretty in Pink playing. 
  • The floorboards, which badly need a hoover (vacuum)

Nine words I would use to describe myself:

  • Kind
  • Resilient
  • Daft
  • Loving
  • Weird
  • Persevering
  • Daring
  • Cuddly
  • Smart

Ten little things that make me happy:

  • The smell of dogs paws in the morning. 
  • The turn of an extraordinary sentence. 
  • Live music
  • Pretty sunrises and sunsets
  • The balloons that regularly float over my place in the morning.
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels
  • Good coffee
  • Ice cream
  • Cuddles
  • Walking barefoot along the beach


  1. Hi Pand,

    It's great that you got some short stories published.

    Swearing can be good - but it depends on the company; you lose the impact if people get offended by it, I find.

    Smoked salmon and cream cheese - I feel hungry now.




  2. Polite is good. But daft may be better!

  3. I read Demon Copperhead and liked it so much I wanted more from the author; so I read Poisonwood Bible, and liked that even more.

  4. Saw some similarities, had a few times: "I should have written that too."
    And now I'm craving smoked salmon all day!! LOL!

    Thanks! Have a great weekend!

  5. I hate the feeling of a reading deadline--especially for a bigger book, like Demon Copperhead.

  6. Oof, no thanks to oysters, though I am serving beer at a festival this weekend that is centered around... oysters!
