Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sunday Stealing: The YouTube Questions

 I've got too much to do, too little time to do it, and I'm heading off to another film in hours, so I think I had better get the Sunday Questions done - maybe ironing an item between each question to ensure both jobs get done before I leave here at 8.45 pm. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Working on anything exciting lately?

I'm not sure if this is exciting, but I started a new job two weeks ago. There is a hell of a lot to do, but I'm really pleased to have a job that will challenge me. 

And there is something in me that wants to start my novel again. Yay. It's been too long. 

2. What was the highlight of the day today?

Today I went to a sound meditation session at Tempo Rubato. My friend, Anthony runs these once a month and they are great. Even better, after being delayed by buses replacing trains (the words no Melbournian wants to hear) and then another delay, I had to drive over to Brunswick. I would rather take public transport, but I drove, considering parking a mile away from the venue as parking is awful around there. I managed to find a park just outside the venue. Result all round. The sound bath was wonderful. 

3. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

Lots of things. Relax, exercise, read, write, go see films, go out with friends. I like keeping busy. 

4. What are your favorite restaurants?

Oh, this is a hard one. As in what type of restaurant. For French food, that's Noir on Swan Street. For classy Indian, Daughter in Law on Little Bourke Street. For Mexican food, Fonda. For bahn mi - I just have to wander down the road to the Nhu Lan or Lee Lee bakeries.  For stupidly expensive, yet wonderful degustation, then you can't beat Vue de Monde. I work in the same building as Vue de Monde. Melbourne has great food. I could go on forever about this. 

5. Do you follow any sports?

Not really. I do keep my eye on Australian Rules Football, mainly to see if my team (The Adelaide Crows) have won, and to work out if I can talk to my friend Jay depending on what happened with the North Melbourne Kangaroos. I don't mind rugby union, but I don't follow it. 

6. What is your biggest fear?

Huntsman Spiders. Intimacy. I'm not great with open water either. 

7. What is your biggest regret?

Probably not getting therapy in my early twenties. It might have made things a bit easier. Mind you, I wasn't ready for it, but still. 

8. When you were growing up, what was your dream job?

Doctor, Astronaut or Writer. I gone one right. 

9. Do you say ‘sherbet’ or ‘sherbert’?

Sherbert. Like the band. See the song of the day. Go Daryl Braithwaite. 

10. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

Yes. We used to have a ghost in the house I lived in while in London. She was a friendly ghost. Lots of people saw her. You could often feel her in the basement of the place, though many people saw her. Ghosts don't scare me. 

11. What is your favorite food at a cocktail party?

I can't remember the last time I went to a cocktail party. I do like those little pancakes with a bit of smoked salmon and cream cheese. And when they do the little baskets of fish and chips, that's good - it's like a perfect serving size. 

12. Who is a book character most like you?

I have no idea. Maybe Sybil Trellawney from the Harry Potter books. If anybody could let me know who I'm like, that would be great, thanks. 

13. Do you read reviews before you go to movies??

Sometimes. I tend to hear about movies on various forums before going, but a bad review won't stop me seeing a film. Often it will just lower my expectations. 

14. How do you feel about cilantro?

I love coriander. That's what we call it. I don't get how people can't like it. Great stuff. 

15. Have you ever cried in public?

Yes, but I don't make a habit of it. 

Today's song: 


  1. Good luck with the new job.
    I need to learn to relax more, especially now that I'm retired.

  2. Hi Pand,

    The ghost - what did she look like? I would love to see one (I may of but I can't be sure).

    "Cilantro" threw me too. We call it coriander just like you guys.




  3. The thing about reviews is that they are just one person's opinion. I learned that from being a crituc. I've seen a lot of movie I loved that critics hated.

  4. All those restaurants look fantastic! And yeah, cilantro is great.

  5. Those restaurants sound great!! I love cilantro but I've heard that some people think it tastes like soap. I'm assuming they are the ones who don't like it. My husband isn't fond of it but will eat it. I need to ask him if it tastes like soap!!
