Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 My inbox contains two special emails. 

There are my flight details for my business trip to Darwin in three weeks, and another with my accommodation details. I'm staying in a hotel next to the Darwin office. I've been given a one bedroom apartment which looks over the city. There are laundry facilities in the room. And a gym and pool on the premises. 

I'm spending the better part of a week in Darwin at the end of the month.

I haven't been there for 20 years. The last time I was there my friend Mariah's son was about a year old. He's now 22. Hmmm. I remember loving it up there. Everybody who's stayed longer than a few days reckons it's wonderful. 

I'm looking at this contract as a reset. A week a month in the top end until October. I'm looking forward to getting out of the Melbourne winter for a bit. I'm looking forward to new challenges and people (who, from the interview, all seem lovely). I'm looking forward to swimming daily in the warm over winter.

I'm looking forward to the change. 

In the meantime, in my current role, I'm preparing everything for hand over. And finishing my stuff off, writing a big document telling people where things are and I'll be handing back everything on Friday. 


Also, I'm madly finishing a beanie for my colleague, who I will see tomorrow. \

It's all happening. 

Back to knitting. Only a few rows to go. 

Today's song:

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