Sunday, April 2, 2023

March Check In - April Goals

 I'm a day late with these, but I do find them useful. Just having some goals is never a bad thing. Also, with normal time resuming today, it means I have got a good time to mark the time. It's also six months until I go to Paris. I put down $1000 on the ten day writer's retreat part of it - now to make the rest of it happen. 

So last month's goals went like this:

1. An hour of exercise every day. 

This didn't quite go to plan, but I did remain active. Things did get out of whack with my trip to Darwin and starting a new job. But we managed this at least have the month. 

2. Read four books over the month. 

I did this - I did better than expected. Over the month I read:

  • Women Talking by Miriam Toews
  • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
  • Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
  • So Much Life Left Over by Louis de Bernieres
  • The Autumn of the Ace by Louis de Bernieres
Challenge complete. 

3. Save $2000.


4. No ice cream.

Yeah, didn't happen. Time in Darwin means ice cream was required. I have cut my ice cream consumption down a lot. 

5. Write some fiction at least 20 days over the months. 

Also didn't happen. On the good side, I did get a solid 3000 word draft of an article out, and I'm thinking of writing a historical piece over Easter for BackStory Journal. They have taken everything I've submitted to them - no idea why. Just need an idea. 

6. Get to bed by midnight. 

I've been pretty good with this one. Although not perfect, I've been getting to bed a bit earlier - and I'm pleased about this. 

And my April Goals: 

1. An hour of exercise every day. (for at least 20 days of the month)

Since I had COVID last year my exercise has slacked off a bit. I'm back feeling fine so there is no excuse. And I know what to expect in Darwin, even if this is a long swim or walk in the evening. 

2. Read four books over the month. 

I'll keep this one too. I like getting through books and this keeps me accountable. I might even finish that dreadul Beautiful World, Where Are You?...

3. Save $2000.

I have to keep doing this (even if the funds go directly into paying for holiday stuff. 

4. Write some fiction at least 20 days over the months. 

I feel like it is time to get back to this. I feel like my next novel push is about to come on. Let's hope so. 

5.  Have somebody over in my flat. 

The other thing that rarely happens around here is having somebody over - even if it's carrying out a reflexology treatment. It also gives me an excuse to clean up more thoroughly. 

I'll let you know how I get on at the end of the month. 

6. Stretch more

I am really not very bendy. It's time to stretch more. This morning, at the gym, I took myself through a good 20 minute stretch session. I should be doing this daily. I won't put a number on it, but if I could stretch a few times a week, I'd be in a better position. 

Today's song: 

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