Saturday, April 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing: League

 I'm currently being the designated adults for Blarney and Barney's nearly thirteen-year old twins. I'm the designated adult as they are too old to have a babysitter, but just that little too young to be left at home alone at night. We went to see Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, which was just as good on the second viewing. 

So, this is a good time to get the Sunday questions done, which have been provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. My favorite sources for delicious recipes

The internet. A lot of my recipes come from, and Nigella Lawson - she's great for really decadent stuff. 

2. If I had to repeat a day over & over, how I’d want it to go

A great day to be repeated would have lots of friends, films, yummy food and cuddles. And cats. We need cats. Cats are great. 

3. Who or what has saved my life


4. Something I can never seem to start or finish

My novel. I really want to get back to that. I definitely have a book or three in me. 

5. How my taste in food has changed over the years

I'm a really adventurous eater. Happy to try most things, but I think I'm a lot more in awe of the subtleties of food. 

6. The last time I cried

Yesterday. I binge watched that last series of Firefly Lane and was ugly crying. It's a fun series, but the last few episodes are really sad. I cried watching CODA too.

7. The best parts of human nature

Kindness and tenacity. 

8. Concepts and ideas that bend my mind

Kindness and tenacity. 

9. What I’m most likely to ask for help with

All sorts of things, when I finally give up and admit that IU need help. I get it. I'm seeing a dietician at the moment because need help.

10. The story behind one of my scars

I have a scar in one of my eyebrows. It's not really noticable unless you look for it. I got it when I was eleven years old. My sister clunked me over the head with a five iron. It was an accident.  

11. I’ve never said this out loud...

There is a hell of a lot that I don't say out loud. I try to keep my judgements to myself. Gets me into less trouble. 

12. Times I’ve been the leader/the one people count on

The job I had this time last year I had a team of six under me. It was pretty full on, but they said I was a good leader. 

13. Whenever I see these people, my heart lights up

My friends. They're good. 

14. With my financial needs met, here’s how I’d spend my time

I'd be travelling all around the world. And maybe living in Europe. 

15. The people I talk to when I want the truth

That depends on what truth I want to hear. I know I don't go to the internet when I'm looking for truth. 

Today's song: 


  1. Cheers to traveling the world! That would be so much fun! Have a great Sunday!!

  2. I'm probably NEVER going to say the things I haven't said unless I reach 100. Then look out!

  3. I have that novel-starting/finishing issue, too.

  4. Yeah I have no excuse for not finishing a novel either.
