Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Pinterest

 Ah, bless. I'm writing this with the news fresh that Barry Humphries - also known as Dame Edna Everage, has passed away. We've had a bad week for celebrity death's this week. Father Bob, a local Catholic priest, known for his good deeds and plain-spoken charity, passed a few days ago. Now this. Mind you, like Father Bob, Barry Humphries' medical condition was leaked to the press, so it wasn't that unexpected. And like Father Bob, he was in his late eighties.

My question is who is next? Celebrity deaths come in threes. 

This week's questions have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Neither, thank you. I'm good just as I am. 

2. If everything in your house had to be one color what would it be?

I really don't like the thought of everything being one colour, but if it could be any colour, that wouold probably be a lovely colour of teal green. I love bright red, but not for household items. 

3. What animal would be the most terrifying if it could speak?

Cats. They know and see anything. Most people who have a cat would be in prison or dead if their cats could speak. 

4. How do you procrastinate?

Me, procratstinate? Choose one of the following: 

  • Iron
  • Watch telly
  • Read
  • Go for a walk
  • Do anything other than what I'm supposed to be doing.
I'm very good at procrastinating. 

5. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Mad, bad and dangerous to know. Allegedly, I've had this label for a while. 

6. Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or life without dessert?

I'm not sure I could go without my phone. I know I can go without dessert with a bit of trial. 

7. If one animal was made the size of an elephant, which would be the scariest?

The house cat. Can you imagine the damage they would do jumping on the furniture. 

8. If you were reincarnated as a famous landmark, which would it be?

That's a strange question. I have no idea. 

9. What celebrity chef would you like to make you dinner?

Heston Blumenthal - more than anything to see what he comes up with. If not, Nigella Lawson or Anthony Bourdain, bless him. 

10. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a spider?

There is no amount of money available to get me to eat a spider. Nup. No thank you. 

11. If you joined a circus, what would your circus act be?

The Fat Lady? I'm not a fan of circuses. I've always had a hankering to be a lion tamer, though. 

12. Do you have any superstitions?

I avoid stepping on cracks and walking under ladders, more for the safety aspect. And if anybody gives me a knife or blade for a present, I'll give them some money - even just a few coins, to 'buy' the knife off them so it doesn't cut the friendship. 

13. What cheesy song do you have memorized?

This. Great song. 

14. What’s something weird that you recommend everyone try at least once?

Oh, I have so many of these, including:

  • Going skinny dipping in the Southern Ocean in the middle of winter
  • Tasting a food you're scared of.
  • Travelling alone
  • Going to the Deckchair Cinema in Darwin
  • Eating smelly cheese
  • Riding on the back of a motorcycle in a city in Europe
  • Public speaking

15. What do you think is the most unpleasant sounding word?

Hands down, it's Moist. Followed by Utilised. I hate the latter, dislike the former. 

Today's song: 


  1. "Moist" is a good word. I chose "slaughter" just because we read it so many times these days and I hate it!

  2. We had three answers in common - lion tamer, moist, and Anthony Bourdain! Enjoyed reading your answers.

  3. Oh, sad news about Dame Edna... what a wonderful sense of humor we've lost now. Kind of took the wind out of my sails. The word moist seems to have worldwide distaste among English speakers. I wonder if its the sound or the meaning?
    I enjoyed your answers and the music!

  4. Mad, bad, and dangerous. I'm afraid already.

    Nigella Lawson and Anthony Bourdain are in my answer!
