Monday, May 1, 2023

April Check In - May Goals

 It's that time of the month again. Goal setting day. 

April wasn't what I wanted it to be, but still, it's good to put these things out there. 

My April goals went like this: 

1. An hour of exercise every day. 

This didn't happen - though I got some exercise in every second day. With my mental health being a little on the fragile getting into a crowded, noisy pump class just wasn't happening. It's okay.

2. Read four books over the month. 

This didn't quite happen either, but I blame Charles Dickens for this. 

I finished two books - Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan and Song of the Sun God by Shankari Chandran. 

And I'm 85% the way through Charles Dickins' David Copperfield - Richard Armitage is reading it to me by an audiobook. It's nearly 900 pages long. That's two normal books. 

I don't feel bad about missing this goal - nearly there. 

3. Save $2000.

Done. Pity it's all going on bills this month. 

4. Write some fiction at least 20 days over the months. 

Alas, no. Struggling with anxiety is not conducive to writing fiction. 

5.  Have somebody over in my flat. 

It didn't happen, but I did invite somebody over, so that is a start. 

6. Stretch more

This happened on a couple of occasions - wish I'd done more if it. 

So, what goals am I setting myself for May. 

1. Be kind to myself. 

Something this hard patch is teaching me is that listening to myself is a good thing, as is being kind. 

2. Exercise and stretch daily. 

I'm not setting time goals, I just want to do more of this. It makes me feel good. 

3. Read four books over the month. 

This is pretty standard. As David Copperfield will be finished by the end of the week, I'll be back on track with reading. 

4. Stick with what the dietician says to do. 

I had my first check in with Alecia the dietician. Things are going to be okay. Recording everything I eat is confronting. I have to trust the process. 

Today's song: 

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