Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Lunchtime Yoga

 My hatred of Downward Dog is something I have to work on. I've only got myself comfortable with Child's Pose, so uncomfortable I am with my body and the way it moves, but as with everything, if you work on it, you can make things better. 

The 12.15 yoga class at the gym is something I should get to more often. Even if it means starting earlier and working a little later, and as confronting as it can be, it makes me feel good. 

Firstly, the instructor, Frank, is wonderful. When I introduced myself to him a while back, explaining that I'm not very flexible and completely crap at yoga, he said it was fine - he gave lots of options - child's pose for Downward Dog - various iterations of Warrior Pose. You name it, he'd make it accessible. 

Secondly, as crap as I am at yoga, it makes me feel great. It's good to stretch out this old body.

I'm not sure what I like more about yoga. The stretching, the sitting in my uncomfortableness for an hour, the sense of pride I get when I realise I can do something I think I can't, or Frank's encouraging words. I love the feeling you get when you work through the flows. I suppose this is why so many people go to these classes. 

All I know is that I feel better about the world after this lunchtime jaunt into a darkened room in the gym. 

My calendar is booked out for the same time next week. 


Today's song: 

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