Wednesday, May 24, 2023

One More Episode

 I'm not going to write much tonight. 

It's been a pretty good day. 

Work was good. I love that the drive to work only takes me ten minutes. 

The people are great.

My head is spinning from the information gathered while I've been here. That I've started to make inroads into the team is even better. They really are great. 

I had a lovely lunch with my old PE teacher from high school. She's a great lady. It was also nice to get out of the office, which is really a very big depot, just for a bit. 

And this night off was nice. Last night I went with the others up here to a rather posh place at the casino. Tonight, it was Coles salad in my room after a quick walk. I was invited to dinner with the others tonight, but I wanted a rest and cried off. We're going to the Deckchair Cinema tomorrow night before catching the plane home in the wee hours of the morning. I don't have the need to be seen out every night. 

I've starting getting things ready for packing. It's the way I roll. 

And I'm about to go to bed and watch the penultimate episode of Ted Lasso. This, I am sad about. It's my favourite show on the streaming services at the moment. 

That there's one last episode is just sad. 

And with that, I'm taking this tired body to bed to watch my show. One thing about this heat, which is not at all unbearable, it tires you out. I'm not sure how I'm going to go back in Melbourne on Friday morning where it's going to be 14 degrees...

Today's song:

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