Monday, May 8, 2023

Would anybody like a cat?

I wish I could talk cat. 

I don't get them at all.

There's a bit to unpack in his behaviour today. 

I worked from home, so there was no guilt trip which I likes to lay on when he realises that I'm going to the office. 

At 9 a.m. I was sitting down at my computer, about to start work. 

He starts baying at my knee. 

I give him a couple of treats. He's been fed, so he shouldn't need too many. But he keeps coming back for more. 

I try playing with him for a couple of minutes. He loves his stick and ribbons and jumping all over the place. 

He keeps coming back for more. 

There's the Monday team meeting. He attends. He says goodbye by sticking his arse in the camera. 

This went on until midday, when I opened the door to the spare room and let him at it. 

15 minutes later he was asleep in the reading chair, curled up in a ball. 

Seriously, cats! Who'd have 'em?

Tonight, we went back into battle mode over who has rights to my office chair. 

Seriously, I love this critter. I think he doesn't mind me. But God he's a pain some days. 

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