Friday, June 2, 2023

Another Day, Another Airport

 Poor Lucifer is going to wonder who his Mum really is. 

It's back to the airport tomorrow morning, this time, to Adelaide for whistlestop visit. 

For a change, I'm not seeing family or friends, other than the one who's putting me up for the night. 

We have a weekend of preparing a new website for the Masons (Or if I'm going to be very specific, Freemasonry for Men and Women - Le Droit Humain).

We have a website at the moment, but it's about as useful as tits on a bull. It's not search engine optimised, filled with old information and is as appealing as a half-flooded op shop. Three of us are putting our heads together to write and design this. I might get to use some of my website designing skills to do a mockup of the new site - I think they've brought me in for my writing and IT skills. 

To be honest, anything will be better than what we have now. If you try and search for our website it's found about ten pages in after the Church of Satan - not that we have anything to do with them.

I also get to spend some time with my friend who moved to Adelaide two years ago, her kids and her two wonderful black cats. 

Lucifer will have his needs serviced by Jay, who's popping in to feed him either end of the day I'm away. It's less traumatic for him staying at home - and he's good for the night people dropping in on hime. 

I'm just a bit used to the airport now. I've got the run down pat. Even packing is easy - although I hadn't taken into account that Adelaide is going to be about five degrees warmer than Melbourne. I'm rethinking my wardrobe as I write. 

It's only for a day. I doubt I'll be able to get a pasty and some fruchocs before catching the plane back on Sunday evening. 

That this trip is funded by the Masons, even better. 

Today's song: 

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