Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Little Things from Today

 I find there are two kinds of anniversary day.

There are those that you dwell on. And those you try not to dwell on. 

My father would have turned 82 today. He died 27 years ago - so there is a lot of water under the bridge, but I still remember that today is my father's birthday. Its good in one respect because I then remember a couple of friends who have a birthday today - and I've wished them happy birthday accordingly. 

But other than the nod to Dad's birthday, it was an ordinary day. 

I'm still thinking about the trip to Paris, translating everything in my head in my schoolgirl/Duolingo French. My old French teacher would be very proud. I've got the past perfect, past imperfect and conditional down - the future tense not so much. But the daily 20 minutes of French lessons are bearing fruit. I just have to work on the vocabulary, which is getting better by the day. 

Other things from today. 

I've discovered Turtle Chips. I don't know where they come from. They don't contain any turtles. The churros flavour are amazing - all light cinnamon and chocolate. A bit too yummy. Don't say I didn't warn you. 

Lucifer is still being a sook. He's jumping up onto my shoulders a lot - ever since I last left him with Blarney. He's also got this great habit of coming into my online meetings, walking onto the laptop and shutting down the machine. It's most annoying. Today, as I was trying to talk to a colleague, upset about the decision to euthanise her own pet, he jumped up on  me, showed them his bum, made me contort my neck in all sorts of ways that aren't chiropractor endorsed. Thankfully, it put a smile on my colleague's face. Putting down a beloved pet is never easy. 

And that's about as exciting as it got today. 

Right, to bed. I've got a tradie coming over first thing. 

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