Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Lunchtime Yoga

 "You're not Frank!"

My first word to the bendy, excessively vibrant, blonde-haired yoga pixie on the stage at the front of the studio. 

I've grown used to Frank. I like Frank. Frank doesn't mind that I'm about as bendy as a stobey pole or that I spend a bit of the class in Child's Pose because I find yoga a bit overwhelming, Frank is also good at providing easy options for the unyielding, like me. 

"I'm Jess. I'm filling in for Frank."

Jess half looks like your normal yoga instructor. A broad smile, a wispy voice, tie-dyed leggings. For a yoga instructor she's a bit bustier that normal - but we all come in different shapes and sizes, the same applies to yoga teachers. 

"Cool," I tell her. "I'm Panda and I'm not very bendy. In fact, I'm really crap at this. "

"But the main thing is that you're here."

I've been trying to get to a yoga class once or twice a week. The ones they run at the gym are pretty good. I do like Frank the instructor. He gets what it's like to be a fifty-something with flexibility issues. 

But yoga is a practice, and the more you do it, the better you get. 

And so I embarked on an hour of stretching, sitting, lying and shaking my head at some of the ridiculous things Jess was asking me to do. 

And that is one of the things about yoga - knowing your limits. 

And yes, I hate Downward Dog with an absolute passion, and no, I can't go from Warrior III back into Downward Dog without kneeling first (Much rather stay in Cat/Cow and be done with it). 

Jess offered gentle words of encouragement. There are some things I do, and do quite well - like the Warrior Poses. I like the feel of Warrior Two, looking down your middle finger to the front of the room. I love how strong I feel in these in these poses. I love the way the stretches feel in the body after the class. I like that getting away for an hour at lunch makes things better. 

And while we were lying in Dead Man's Pose (savasana) we all received a quick head massage. 

Who said yoga teachers were good for nothing.

I'm hoping to go back again on Friday. This is good for the body, mind and soul. 

Today's song: 

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