Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Swap Bot

 It's been a lovely day here. We've got a long weekend ahead. It's the holiday for the King's Birthday - for the last seventy years it's been known as the Queen's Birthday Public Holiday, never mind that the last queen had a birthday in April (And King Chuck's birthday is in November) The monarch with the birthday closest to the second weekend in June was Queen Victoria. Go figure. Ridiculously, even England doesn't get a public holiday for the Monarch's birthday. (They did get rid of Boris Johnson from parliament the same day that Trump was indicted on felony charges - universal symmetry some would call it.)

However, we, in Australia, have a day off for our contentious Head of State's birthday. Oh well. 

Questions, as always, have been set by Bev at Sunday Stealing

*Have you tried anything new this year?

I've started seeing a new psychologist. New enough for you?

*What would you do if you don’t have wifi for a week?

I like to think I'd be okay. There is some okay terrestrial telly over here, and I love exercising, reading and going out. I'd be okay. But it would be hard. 

*Do you like summer, why or why not?

I'm not fond of summer as I don't like the heat - and it gets hot here. I think I'm going to hate the summer in Darwin even more - 35 degrees celcius and 90% humidity - no thank you. The long days can be nice. 

*What’s one restaurant that you like in your city? what food do they sell?

Melbourne is full of amazing restaurants. The two that I've wanted to go to near the city are Cutler and Co and Maha. Cutler and Co is French/Australian, and Maha is Middle Eastern. I also want to go back to Noir in Richmond - that's a glorious French restaurant. 

*Do you prefer digital book or real paper book?

I'm split down the middle on this one. I do love my kindle, but I also like the feel of paper. And I listen to audiobooks. As long as literature is being read, I don't really care, as long as I'm not reading on a phone or computer screen. 

*What’s one thing that you are interested to buy, but it’s a bit expensive, so you haven’t bought yet?

Apple earpods. I've got plenty of ear buds that work well - both wired and wireless - I can't justify the cost of them. 

*What tea brands do you like?

I drink black tea and chai most of the time. I love T2 teas - they are incredible. Expensive, but incredible. Their Sticky Honey Chai is a favourite, but I have run out here at home

*What’s one food that you can binge eating a lot?

Ice cream. I wish I didn't love to binge on it. 

*Write one random thing that happened to you this month.

Something cute that happened today. I went to a sound meditation, as I often do. A friend runs these sessions, and they are fabulous. I went with a friend - and thanks to traffic, we got there a bit late. We ran in, I threw my yoga mat on the ground, settled my friend (as the session had just started) lay down, put my head on a yoga block, shoved a rug over my head and enjoyed the session - which was incredible - made more incredible because I was sitting at the feet of the string section. 

An hour later, the session finished. I sat on my yoga mat to get my bearings. My friend came over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

It made my day. 

Little things. 

*How many long-term penpals do you have right now? (people who pen pal with you for more than 3 years)

None, if you don't count Reindert, who lives in Colorado - but he's not a true pen friend as he's more a friend who lives in another country. We're hoping to catch up in Paris in October. 

*If you own a small food trailer, what food do you want to sell?

Something easy. Like ice cream. I could never run a food trailer. Not my thing. 

*What’s one handmade gift that you received and really liked ?

There are two things that come to mind. Reindert sent me this decorative cat from Oaxaca in Mexico. It's gorgeous. The type of handicraft is called alebrijes.

Jonella gave me a small, hand painted oil diffuser which sits in my car. I love that too. 

*What’s your ideal Saturday like?

Something like today. Get up, go to meditation, have breakfast at my favourite cafe in Caulfield, then a movie, or something fun like a gallery viewing. Dinner somewhere nice. That sounds like a good day. 

*What things do you like to buy on Etsy?

What is Etsy? I think that says that I don't buy stuff on Etsy. 

*What kind asian food do you like?

I'm a big fan of Vietnamese food - which is good as there are about 25 Vietnamese restaurants within spitting distance of the front door. I love Chinese, Sichuan, Japanese, Korean, Cambodian, Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean...

Yeah, I like Asian food. But I especially love the freshness and vibrancy of Vietnamese cooking. 


  1. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese restaurants here, but no Vietnamese. I'm not even sure what Vietnamese food is .

  2. I have had Vietnamese food - a couple places in ALB -, but I don't go often enough. Your summers would probably kill me, possibly literally.

  3. Maybe we could park our food trailers side by side - you could sell ice cream and I could sell Brown Sugar Brownies!
