Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sunday Stealing: More Questions from Swap Bot

 Another Saturday, another set of Sunday Stealing questions to do. It's a big and busy day, so best get on with them. 

Questions provided, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you trust people at restaurants who handle your food that they aren't doing anything gross to it while you can't see them?

.I like to think I can. I'm generally, if not polite and friendly, then civil to my servers. Hopefully that keeps them from doing anything too gross to my food. It's a bit of a social contract. You be good to them, they'll be good to you. 

2. How do you wear your hair each day?

As it falls after it is brushed. I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to my hair. 

3. Have you ever worn:

A gas mask? No. 

A blindfold? Only for party games. 

4. Would you be willing to go hang gliding?

Maybe, but I'd need a very qualified person to be driving the thing. I like the thought of flying by myself, but after nearly losing a friend in a paragliding accident, I'm wary. 

5. What is the difference between a man's button down shirt and a woman's button down shirt?

The sides on which they button up. One is on the left, the other on the right. Don't ask me which one is which. This clip explains it. 

6. Have you ever taken a lock of someone else's hair?


7. Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair?


8. If you had a locket what would you put inside?

I have no idea - maybe a picture of Lucifer, my cat. As he is black, he's not that easy find a good photo. 

9. Have you ever written something on a bathroom wall?


10. When was the last time you fell down in public?

A couple of years ago walking to the train station. I tripped over my own feet and nearly face planted. Upset me for the rest of the day. 

11. Are you more aggressive or mellow?

I'm generally pretty mellow. Long may that remain. 

12. What have you done with yourself to keep your life worth living?

Lots of things. 

  • I exercise regularly. 
  • I try to eat good food. 
  • I have friends who I love. 
  • I have a cat who I love. 
  • I'm going overseas in a few months. Looking forward to that. 
  • I donate blood and plasma regularly to help give back to the community. 
  • I read books and see films and go to the theatre. 
  • I try to participate in society. 
Will that do? 

13. What is the most incredible thing you can do?

I'm in my mid-50s and I'm still pumping weights like a demon. I can leg press around 170-180 kilograms - not bad for a woman my age. 

14. Do you bury your pets, flush them, or throw them away?

With the exception of a few goldfishes, which I have flushed, I've not had to dispose of a pet's body. I think if I was to let a pet go, I'd have the vet have them cremated. As a child, dead pets were buried in the garden. 

15. What's your favorite thing that is yellow?

I have a back and mustard dress that I wear to work. Though not a true yellow, I like the dress and it gets a lot of comments. I don't own many yellow things. My Rider Waite Tarot deck are in a yellow box. There you go. 

16. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

We get asked this question most weeks. I'll say if I was to get another tattoo, I'd probably get a very small World Wildlife Panda put somewhere out of the way. Other than small tattoos, they're not really me. Panda is my nickname. I don't want any more piercings other than those in my ears. 


  1. I gave blood in June. I'm up to 22 gallons, 176 donations!

  2. Hi Pand,

    #8. I know what you mean. We have two black cats and people on a Facebook group that Mrs PM looks at, specifically for black cats, calls them "voids". I can sometimes see why.

    #13. Good stuff. My only exercise is walking - but I usually manage 4 miles a day.



