Friday, July 28, 2023

Things I Learned in Yoga Today

 Friday lunchtime yoga is becoming a staple activity. It's a great way to start the weekly wind down. Even though I'm very crap at yoga, I enjoy these classes. The instructor, Jess, is very encouraging, which is something. She hasn't thrown me out of the class yet, which is a bonus. 

I learned a few things today. 

Firstly, don't try to do yoga when you've put on hand cream in the last hour or so. It makes things very slippery. For a lot of the class, this is fine, but trying to get stable in Downward Facing Dog is an absolute killer. I won't be doing that in a hurry. 

Second thing I learned in yoga. It can find all of the small, niggling injuries you don't even clock. Once again, in the Downward Facing Dog position, I'd get myself into position, only to find my left hamstrings were squealing at me. I put myself back into Child's pose, then try again. Nup. Ping. 

Thing is, I walk around, no problem at all. Jog a few steps. Again, no issue. But stretch the buggers out and you really know it's there. I got home, shoved an ice pack on them and did about five minutes with my bang-gang machine (the tympanic massager - get your mind out of the gutter). They will be fine. Serves me right for doing 150 kg leg presses last night.

The third thing I learned today - when you tell me to switch my head off, don't expect it to happen. It's like being told to not scratch an itch. Never happens. 

It's something to work on. 

Right, off to the theatre. This should be fun. 

Today's song: 

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