Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Today's Meme

 I could write about the shemozzle that is Melbourne traffic at the moment. 

But I won't. It's always a shemozzle. 

I could write about how mean Cleo was this evening in our training session. 

But I won't. She's always mean. 

I could write about how much I'm craving ice cream. 

But I won't. I'm going to make myself a sugar-free hot chocolate with home made hazelnut mylk. I am that sad, but it is a small, sweet hit. 

Today was an ordinary day. I worked from an office. It's amazing how much you get done when there isn't a cat sitting on your keyboard giving you side eye. I had lunch with my engineering friend with whom I've been having lunch one a month since 2010. I got the train home.

The thing that tickled me most today was this meme. 

It is so true!

From the pages of the internet, never a truer sentiment spoken. 

And I'll leave it at that. I have to start thinking about where I'm going after the writer's retreat. 

I love planning holidays, but it is harder when you're planning for somebody else who is ten time zones away. 

Best get on with it. The cat wants his chair back. 

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