Monday, July 3, 2023

What to wear?

We're off to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Saturday night, and once again, I'm in a bit of a quandary as to what to wear.

Dressing up for The Rocky Horror Picture Show is something Alice and I do. We bonded over a love of The Pixies and Rocky Horror. Alice, always like to dress up for these performances. For our joint 50 th birthday, we had a Rocky Horror themed cake. She's the perfect Columbia, and has the gold hot pants, top hat and jacket to match. Being little, she goes down a treat. 

I don't have the size or the chutzpah to carry off Columbia. I used to be a Magenta. I've taken the red out of my hair - doesn't have the same effect. 

But I'm not feeling Magenta at the moment. Besides, I'm not one for dressing up like a gothic French maid at the moment. And it's the middle of winter. 

There's always the pyjamas and Mickey Mouse ears and a bottle of nail polish after this scene. Pyjamas are comfortable, but I don't have the ears any more.

If I could source a set of scrubs, I could go as Frankenfurter, complete with rubber gloves and a string of pearls and some red lippy. But where can I get a set of scrubs from at this late hour? Do I want to shell out for scrubs?

I could do a Canadian tuxedo (Double demin) some motorbike boots, add a few chains, a scarf and paint some sutures on my head and go as Eddie. That might be a goer. Easy. 

Or I could find a waist coat, throw on some sunglasses and white socks and be one of the Transylvanians. Another easy one to do. 

Of course, I could turn up in a lab coat and be Janet. I don't own a petticoat any more (Does anybody own a petticoat any more?) Another easy one. 

Or find a wedding dress and go as Betty Monroe Hapshatz. 

Or find a wheelchair and a picnic blanket and a big book and go as Doctor Scott. 

Reminding myself that I have to get myself into town on the tram beforehand. 

And I'm having my hair cut and coloured that afternoon and I don't want to muck up my hairdresser hair. 

Maybe I can take an old coat hanger with me and be the RKO Radio tower. 

Ah, the dilemma. I feel bad not dressing up as I feel like I'd be letting Alice down. It's our thing. 

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. I'm ashamed to say that I have never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show (slinks off in shame)
