Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Happiness is an empty hotel pool

 By Wednesday of any given trip, we've got into a routine and the place begins to feel like home. 

Work is work, and that is fine. After work is different. 

Monday night is steak night at the Cavenagh Hotel. It's a collegial evening, often followed b walking down to the local ice cream parlour for a scoop or two. I highly recommend the white chocolate, caramel and macadamia flavour. 

Tuesday night, sometimes things are planned. Other times not. For me, exercise is key. Putt on the gym gear and go for an hour walk, taking in the sunset over the water, before finding some take away dinner on the way home. 

Tonight is Wednesday - and it's more of the same. 

I'd left the office at 5 p.m. On walking down Knuckey Street, I ran into Merv Hughes. Again. We looked each other up and down with a hint of recognition, seeing he held the door open for me at the Cav on Monday night. 

"You, again!" I stated. 

"Hello there," was his reply. 

We gave each other a smile and walked on. 

I'm not going to tell him that I had cricket posters up on my wall as a kid. I'll leave that to my cricket mad, Indian colleagues. 

I got home, changed into gym clothes and runners and went for a walk around the Waterfront. 

The throng had asked me to come to some pub to watch the Matilda's game. I asked if I could bring my knitting. They left it at that. 

To be honest, the thought of being in a pub with a lot of noisy people didn't thrill me. I'm not one for noise, nor crowds. Also, as I keep saying, my interest in soccer is limited. If I wanted to see people not score I'd go to a nightclub or pub. 

The walk was welcome. As it's the dry, you can get a good walk in and not come back a sweaty heap. As always, the sunset was lovely. I found some dinner on the way home. 

And the for the best bit of the day. The swim. 

Throwing on my bathers, a t-shirt an a sarong, grabbing a towel from the front desk, I crossed to road and went to a nearby hotel. Their reception staff let me up to their pool deck. 

And I had the pool to myself. 

This in my idea of bliss. Nobody to talk to. No kids. No nothing. Just you and the water. It's even better at night. 

A quick swim, cooled down, mind softened and happy, I returned back "home" for dinner. 

I know I'm blessed - sometimes, I'm more blessed than others. 

Today's song:

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