Saturday, August 5, 2023

Sunday Stealing: From Facebook

 Today hasn't gone as expected. I was to drive out to somewhere near Bendigo to go to a session at the Goldfield's Gothic Festival. Instead, a large accident on the Westgate Freeway meant that there was no way I was going to get to this session - so after two hours in the car, I turned around, came back and I'm now doing my Sunday questions, eating a toasted bagel and patting the cat. These things happen. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.  What do you have hanging on your walls?

Framed pictures collected over the years. In the lounge I have a framed watercolour of Ely Cathedral, painted by a friend's father who was an well known Manchester artist. There's also three prints of his, another pen and ink drawing and a framed poster of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. I've also got a large, framed poster of Le Chat Noir. I think everybody has one of those. 

2.  Have you used an outrageous excuse to get out of jury duty?

I need to pay rent and keep food in my belly. Is that allowed? As a contractor, if I don't go to work, I don't pay rent - and jury duty does not pay that well. I might also pull the neuro-diverse card, see if that works - how can I be a peer if I don't think like the person on trial?

3. Where so you like to go shopping (not for groceries)

I love quirky little gift shops. Could spend days in those.

4. What was the last movie you saw in a movie theater?

I saw Barbie for a second time last weekend. I'm seeing Oppenheimer for a second time tonight. Both are great films, but in very different ways. 

5. If you wrote a note and put it in a bottle to throw out to sea, what would the note say?

I have absolutely no idea. Besides, the ocean is a long way away from where I live (we don't count Port Philip Bay as the sea - it's a big bathtub.)

6. What decision have you made in your life that you regret?

I don't have regrets. There are a few things, looking back, I'd do differently, given half a chance, but that is not going to happen, so why dwell on it?

7. What is in your junk drawer?

Like everybody else, the third draw down in the kitchen has: 

  • Batteries
  • Sticky tape (cellotape, scotch tape, what ever you want to call it)
  • Tea towels
  • Rubber bands
  • Bandaids (Plasters for you English)
  • Candles
  • Dried up tubes of super glue (Crazy glue)
  • Packets of chopsticks
  • Packets of zip lock bags
  • Thumb tacks
  • Blue tack
  • A roll of Alfoil (Aluminum foil)
  • A roll of Glad Wrap (Cling Film / Saran Wrap)
  • A roll of baking paper. 
I love this song about the third drawer down. Never a truer word sung:

8. Have you ever gone to a high school reunion?

Yes. I went to my 30th high school reunion. We've all got old. 

Or in the words of Marcella in Grosse Point Blanke:

9. Would you rather receive the GOOD news or the BAD news first?

Bad news first, always. Get it out of the way. The good news lets you get on with things. 

10. What are your top 3 pet peeves?

  1. People who are rude to service staff.
  2. Drivers who do not know how to use an indicator. 
  3. Shepherd Avocados. I mean, just why?

11. Are there famous people from where you live?

I live in an inner city suburb and there are quite a few 'famous' people in the vicinity. The most famous and closest, if you are from Australia, is Molly Meldrum. he lives a stone throws away. Australian icon.

12. What kitchen gadgets do you use most?

One of the following:

  • The blender
  • The microwave
  • The jar opener - an amazing little plastic thing that pops air tight jar lids so they open smoothly. 

13. Who was your elementary school best friend?

 A girl named Pippa. This was back when I went to Primary School in the city. I have no idea what happened to her. I moved to the country, so that was that. 

14. Choose an animal and tell us 4 things about that animal.

My cat, Lucifer is a black cat. I became his Mum just as COVID was bearing its teeth - best secondhand cat ever. He's five and a half years old. For a basic model black cat, he's hilarious. He's good on long car trips. He loves growling at the birds. When it's cold, he sleeps between my knees. I could go on and on about him. Love my cat. 

15. What is your favorite pizza topping?  What do you never want on a pizza?

My go to pizza is a Mexican Hot - hot salami, pepperoni, onions and chilli on red pizza sauce. I'm okay with most pizza. Love a good goat's cheese and fig. I'm fond of anchovies. I can go for a ham and pineapple pizza at times. My no-go zone would be chickpeas (garbanzo beans) on pizza - I have to be in the mood for those. 

Today's blog:


  1. Hi Pand,

    #1. HA HA - as a black cat owner, we have that same picture on our wall - in fact it is on my answer to the same question.

    #14. Yes - black cats are great (so great in fact that I have two). Ours brother and sister and three years old.




  2. I love that you and PM have the same picture posted.

    I've never heard of Shepherd avocados. Are they different from other avocados? (I do love avocados)

  3. Please tell us about shepherd avocados. Are they a different variety?

  4. I saw Oppenheimer and Barbie on successive days. Liked them a lot. I thought that we didn't see the bombings in Japan in the former was silly; we got the sense of how it would be from the test, which was actual explosives, not CGI. And the weird complaints re Barbie would require a blog post.

  5. You made me laugh when you said they were old at your 30-year reunion. I am going to my 50th at the end of the month.
