Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Name your favourite

 I like these questions. Quick and easy ones to answer, and since it's my birthday today, I can get this out the way without too much difficulty. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

Name Your Favorite…

    Place: London. I miss it. 

    Color: Pillarbox Red. 

    Smell: Dogs paws, first thing in the morning. 

    Magazine: I'm not reading magazines much, but I do like The Monthly and The New Yorker. 

    Texture: Satin. 

    Thing to do when bored:  Watch television or read or go for a walk.  

    Precious stone: Emeralds

    Animal: My cat, Lucifer. He's wonderful. 

    Time in history: The Court of Henry VIII is fascinating, though I wouldn't want to live in it. World War II is another pet time I love to read about - again, wouldn't want to live it. 

    Font: Times New Roman all the way. I find it comforting. 

    Sound: Rain on a tin roof. 

    Fruit: Mangos and strawberries - and the flavour of yuzu, not that I have ever seen a yuzu in real life (Yuzu tastes like a mix of lemon and mandarin - love it. )

    Vegetable: Potatoes - sweet potatoes or regular potatoes. Love them. 

    Store/shop: There's this Florentine paper shop down Degraves Street. I never buy anything in there, but I could spend hours looking at their stock. That and Mecca Cosmetica. 

    Quote: This:

Mind you, this comes a close second:.

   Historical figure: Thomas a Beckett - it's a long story, but he is great. 

    Letter: What sort of letter? I love the Hebrew Aleph. It's elegant. 

    Memory:  There are lots of them. Too many to choose from. Hanging out with the Stone of Scone in Westminster Abbey many years ago is one of them. 

    Dessert:  Creme brulee. Love it. So satisfying. 

    Candy:  Musk sticks and Pascals Fruit Bon Bons. They are Australian fare. 

    Restaurant:  Cumulus Inc in Melbourne. The food is amazing. 

    Language: Well, English is my mother tongue, but I am loving re-learning French. Such a gorgeous language. 

    Thing to learn about:  Anything historical. I love history. 

    Thing about yourself:  I'm a kind person. I think this is a good.

Today's song: 


  1. I saw Talking Heads during the Stop Making Sense Tour, albeit in Saratoga Springs, NY. One of the backup singers is Lynn Mabry, who I've seen be a backup singer for Sheila E.

  2. London is certainly one of my favorite places. And I have many good memories made in London.

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Creme Brulee--I haven't had it in years but I always love it.
