Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sunday Stealing: The Sunday Questions on Saturday

 I'm a bit busy getting everything ready for going to Darwin tomorrow night. This means doing a lot of housework and packing and making everything as nice as possible for my return on Friday evening. Oh what fun.

Last week, a lot of people asked what the difference between Haas avocados and Shepard avocados. Please find an explanation here. There is a big difference - call it a trap for young players

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1. Things I would do first if I won a billion dollar lottery?

Oh, other than quit my job, I'd be looking to buy a house and after setting up the builders to renovate it just as I would like, I'd be going off to the travel agent and setting an itinerary to go all over the world. I love travelling. 

2. Something I probably spend too much money on.

Not that you can spend too much money on this, but I do spend a lot of money on books. And entertainment. But I see this as money well spent. 

3. How I feel about the dentist?

I don't mind the dentist. I see him every six months, he gives me a check up and a clean, charges like a wounded bull and makes an appointment for six months time. I'm really lucky. Other than having two wisdom teeth taken out thirty years ago, I've had very little trouble with my teeth and have had next to no dental work done. Long may that remain. 

4. Foods I am most picky about

Two things. Bananas. I'm not fond of bananas. If I do eat a banana, it has to be just ripe. They are difficult to find. I have no patience with them. 

The second is chickpeas (Garbanzo beans to the Americans, Chana to the Indians). I don't mind them. I love them in hummus. I like them in curries. I do like them. But if they are whole, they have to be spiced. And I have to be in the mood for them. 

5. Internet friends / penpals I want to visit in person

Off the top of my head, I would love to have a beer with the Plastic Mancunian if I was ever up and around Manchester. (Sorry, only have five days in Old Blighty this trip and I'm staying around London).

6. My healthiest habits

I have lots of healthy habits:

  • I exercise regularly
  • I drink a lot of water and barely drink alcohol
  • My dietician is over the moon that I now eat a piece of fruit a day. 
  • I eat lots of vegetables and lean protein. 
  • I try and take care of my mental health.
Not a bad effort. 

7. Easiest, low effort foods and snacks for busy days

In no real order: 

  • Almonds
  • Celery sticks
  • Fruit - it's mandarin season at the moment
  • Muesli bars (Granola bars for the Americans)
  • Boiled eggs
Want me to go on? 

8. Where I go in summer to unwind

The cinema. Summers are hot here - it's good to use somebody else's air conditioning. 

9. My comfort books, tv shows, and movies

Comfort Movies - of there are a lot of them. 

Pride is one of them. The Wedding Singer another. Sense and Sensibility another. Depends on the mood.

Comfort television - there are a lot of them too. 

Lucifer. Mad Men. The Hour. Doctor Doctor. Sex and the City. I like to keep my guilty pleasure television nice and light. 

Comfort books. 

Somewhat strangely, I love the Bridgerton series. And I'm well overdue to read Harry Potter again, even if JK Rowling has been cancelled. Harry Potter is fantastic. 

10. A list of good things

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Good cinema, theatre and literature
  • A sunny day
  • Being by water
  • Good friends
  • Laughing
  • Gin and tonics
  • Road trips
  • Travel (even travel to Darwin for work - change of scenery)
I can go on if you want. 

11. Favorite places to take photos

I love taking photos of the streets of Melbourne. It's so picturesque. 

I took this from the tram window on the way to work on Wednesday. 

12. The routines and habits I stick to most

I shower twice a day and clean my teeth twice a day - without fail. I try and get a walk in every day. Before I go to bed around midnight, I try and do the Framed, Worldle and Wordle challenges. 

I have lots of little things like this. 

13. Topics I’d love to learn more about

There are too many to list here. 

14. This time last year ...

Things were pretty much the same. I'd just bought my current car. I was working at a big bank. According to my blog, I'd just seen Good Luck to You, Leo Grande. What a film. 

15. Favorite memories of someone I’ve lost

Not that he's dead, but he's no longer in my life. I loved the time this person tried to rub off my tattoo. It still makes me smile. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    That round the world trip is an absolute "Must" for me too!

    Love the fact we feel the same about bananas.

    As I replied on my blog - if we find ourselves in the same city that beer together is also a must!

    Good healthy options too. And I love the Melbourne photo. If I ever make it down under again, I will visit. I've heard nothing but good things about Melbourne.




  2. I love how many of us feel the same about bananas!

  3. I didn't realize there were so many of us that don't care for bananas.
