Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Lunchtime Walk

 Winter is my favourite season, and cool, wet, rainy days make my heart sing. Maybe it's because I was part raised on a farm and gentle rain is good. Maybe it's because I like the muted colours and dulled lights. Maybe it's just because I think the Melbourne streets look their best when they're damp.

Today was a cool, wet day. 

I went for a walk at lunchtime. I had four things to do. Go to the bank. Go to Myer. Collect the mail. And find some lunch. 

This is the scene that greeted me as I walked down Collins Street from my office at the Rialto Building. 

Grey, bleak, like something out of the 1960s. It was rather cool.

The bank session went well. I found what I wanted in Myer. The mail was collected. Lunch, a favourite salad from a favourite bar that I rarely get to because the queues are always long. A successful lunch break. 

Arriving back at the office, I bought some daffodils for Daffodil Day. Ten bucks for cancer research. A steal. The flowers brightened up the Rialto courtyard, which is normally filled with grey faced, grey suited lawyers and accountants. 

And after work I caught the tram home. It was drizzling. The trams were packed. But the light was awesome. 

In all, a successful day. 

And for no apparent reason, I've been singing this song all day. 

Today's song: 

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