Thursday, September 7, 2023

I want to have a bath

I want to have a bath. Not a shower. A bath. A proper bath. In a big claw footed bath, with lots of radox and hot water. A bath in which I could read a book and have a gin and tonic and top up the hot water as needed. A big bath in which I could lie down and wash my hair, enjoying the feeling of it floating around my shoulders. 

But I only have a shower at home. It gets used twice a day. But I want a bath. 

My leg muscles need a soak. I reckon it's my leg muscles which are making my foot hurt (referred pain - what a joy). 

In times of old I could have gone to the Melbourne City Baths and taken a bath there. They have all of these big bathtubs in the building in their own cubicles, where people could go and have their weekly or special occasion bath - this was back in the times before most homes had bathrooms. The City Baths also has a working Mikvah, a ritual Jewish bath. As the current synagogue doesn't have a mikvah, here is where the women come to do their bathing rituals.

When I was going up to Sydney regularly, I'd often get a room with a bath. The Jameson Amora, The Fullarton (which used to be the Westin) and the Radisson Blu all have great bathtubs in their rooms. I used to make the most of them while I was up there - but that's not happening anymore. 

But they are closed to the public now. Many years ago I had the pleasure of having a bath there. I wish somebody would open these up again. 

Oh, this feeling too will pass. 

I'm just honoring the fact that I want to have a nice, long, relaxing bath in a great big tub. It's one of life's simplest pleasures. 

Today's song: 

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