Friday, September 22, 2023

Sunday Stealing: SwapBot Questions

I have a blog post to make up. 

After taking the red eye home on Friday morning, arriving back in Melbourne  at 5.30 am, Friday was a bit of a write-off. So I published a blank post and went to bed. So this is my make up post, 

Now is the time to write something a bit more substantial.

The questions have come from Bev at Sunday Stealing, as usual. 

 1. What you did you do today?

Today, being Saturday, I had a big sleep in to get rid of the sleep deficit caused by taking the red eye home and being up all day. I also saw a movie, which will be reviewed after finishing this blog post. I've also got a heap or ironing and writing to do. 

 2.  What are the must-sees in your area?

Melbourne is a great place. It's all about coffee and food and being cool.  Here are my top ten places you should go to while here. 

  1. The National Gallery of Victoria is excellent, and free. Even if you go in and look at the stained-glass ceiling in the great hall.
  2. Pellegrini's Coffee Shop for a coffee on Bourke Street. It's legendary. 
  3. Go the top of the Eureka Tower for the view. 
  4. I love Melbourne Zoo - particularly the seal house. 
  5. Melbourne streets are great to wander. The street art down the laneways is fantastic. 
  6. Go to the Melbourne Library and wonder at the domed ceiling. 
  7. Queue up for a croissant at Lume Bakery. 
  8. If you're in the city between  April and August, go see an Australian Rules football game. 
  9. Ride the trams in the city. They're free. 
  10. And go to the Melbourne Markets, get some wonderful food including the iconic hot jam donuts. 

 3. What is your favourite quote?

"If it be now, 'tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come – the readiness is all."  Hamlet.

 4. What was the last thing you cooked or ate? 

I had sushi and some mochi for dinner. 

 5. What is something you learned from your grandparents?

My maternal grandmother taught me how to knit and crochet. My maternal grandfather taught me how to hit a nail with a hammer. 

 6. What makes you happy?

Lots of things. Friends. Film. Animals. Books. Writing. Ice cream. Sleep. The list continues. 

 7. What is your best travel memory?

I have many great travel memories. Going on a road trip with Reindert. Going to the Taj Majal. Living on Mykonos for a few weeks. Visiting castles in Scotland and cathedrals in England. I still think being able to commune with the tomb of Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey was one of the best things ever. 

 8. What’s the weather like today?

Today was the perfect Spring day. About 20 degrees, a slight breeze and around 20 degrees centigrade. Love days like this. 

 9. Share an interesting fact that you’ve learned

In French, ChatGPT (which sounds like "Chat, j'ai pete.") translates to 'Cat, I farted."

 10. What is your favourite book, movie or band!

My favourite band is The Pixies. 

My favourite book is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres. 

I don't have a favourite ever film, but I saw Kenneth Branagh's Henry V at the cinema eight times. I do love that film. 

 11.  Write your favorite poem or haiku?

My favourite poem is The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. Like his The Wasteland, it is timeless. 

 12. What is a local festival or tradition from your area?

Adelaide has festivals coming out of its ears, as does Melbourne. One strange tradition we have here in Melbourne are the Myer Christmas windows. Each year, they dress them up, have automatons and provide a story. Every year, people queue to see these windows. Every year I find these windows incredibly creepy. Every... damned ... year they give me the creeps.

 13. What was the best thing you learned in school?

French. I loved French at school. I've always kept it up. And now I'm going back to France after 20 years (I've visited twice before, but the last time was in 2001). I've been doing daily French lessons with Duolingo. We'll see how I go. 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Melbourne sounds like a lovely place. I have a friend in London who is from there.

    Ah - "Ça plane pour moi" - I hadn't heard that for donkey's years but it has cropped up in a UK TV commercial recently.

    Great little bit of Belgian punk rock!




  2. Victoria sounds like a very beautiful place to visit.
