Monday, September 4, 2023

Stream of Consciousness

 I have no idea what to write tonight - no cohesive plans for a blog post, so I'm going to write for ten minutes complete stream of consciousness. 

It's probably going to be a bit scary, but I have no option. 

It's 10.32 pm. I'm wearing pyjamas and my hair needs brushing. 

Hit it

10.33 pm.

Seinfeld is on the telly. I've taken to watching Seinfeld and Frasier late at night because it's innocuous.And I never got into Seinfield in the 90s. Frasier, on the other hand, I've always loved.  10 Peach is a great channel. 

I wonder what the people will think of my viewing pleasures. Yes, I now have Neilsen boxes attached to both my tellies. Not sure why I did that. 

I'm not being vocal about the referendum, not because I don't believe in what is going on. I'm firmly in the Yes camp, but more, I know I'll be very disappointed by some of my friends. Most people I know will be voting Yes. With the No camp, I'm keeping my head low. I'm often seen as the lippy one when it comes to politics. I just don't have the fight in me for this. The way I see it, it's a complete no brainer. And as with the same sex marriage debate, we've had five years of same sex marriage - the sky is yet to fall in. If I'm going to judge people for being superficial and scared bigots, I'll do it in my head. I also have to work out whether I put in a postal vote or show up at Australia House in London (or the Australian Embassy in Paris) and vote there. Postal vote is probably the way to go. 

I like the Yes campaign advertisement. They did that well. 

I went to the podiatrist today. I love my podiatrist. I only see her once a year and I wanted her to check out some foot pain I've been having for ten days or so. She's banned me from running the sled and doing lunges. I think I love here even more now. (She also cut my toenails and cleaned up the dead skin on my feet - bless her). 

I want to write a blogpost about the dead bird that was in our common area outside for a few days, but I'm not feeling it. There is a blog post in this about the responsibilities of being a good citizen. 

I could write about the Japanese foot pads I'm about to put on my feet before bed. 

The cat is asleep on his mat on the lounge. 

I'm pondering what I'm going to wear on the plane over to England in a few weeks' time. 

I'm not sure whether I should get in contact with an old workmate - we were talking about meeting up tomorrow, but I'm not interviewing at lunchtime (I'm on the panel, not being interviewed). 

I now need to find a song of the day. 

It's now 10.43. 

I've met the brief. 

Today's song: 

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