Saturday, September 9, 2023

Sunday Stealing - Magical

It's another Saturday night. I've had a nice quiet day - which means I've done a bit of running around, donated a pint of blood and I'm catching up on the new season of Virgin River. Next week is bonkers, the week after I'm up in Darwin

1. What’s the best beach or lake day you can remember?

I used to love going to the beach, where you can drive down on the sand - and then between dips in tghe sea, we'd play beach cricket. The joys of being a kid in the Australian summer. 

2. Describe your ideal picnic lunch.

A good picnic needs seating and a table. Not fond of eating on the ground. Good food makes a good picnic too. 

3. What flowers are in your bouquet?

Roses. Lots of roses. I love roses. 

4. Silly ways to pass the time during a snowstorm

As an Australian, with the exception of the Alps, or small patches of Tasmania, the former being where rich people go to holiday, Australia doesn't get snow, therefore I have no idea how to ride out a snow storm. As a kid, we used to make blanket forts when it was raining too much. 

5. The most beautiful house you’ve ever visited?

Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, England was pretty astounding. They filmed parts of the Harry Potter movies there. The inside is even more astounding than the outside, even better, it's a working family home. 

6. Best place you ever dined?

Oh, I'm giving this to Vue de Monde in Melbourne. It's on the top floor of the Rialto Building (which is strangely, where my current office resides, but 50 of floors down). It's exquisite. For the money we paid, it was worth every cent. The view of Melbourne is out of this world. 

7. How many layers to your ice cream sandwich?

Just the one, but can you make sure it's one of Pat and Stick Vanilla Lace ones - they are amazing. the Biscuit bit is made like a brandy snap. I love them. 

8. Pretty things which are faux patent leather

I'd love a pair of vegan patent leather Doc Marten Mary Janes. Think of these with a Doc Marten soul. 

9. What is the best way to eat chocolate.

Molten, and off a spoon. Is there any bad way to eat chocolate? 

10. Describe your unicorn’s special magic.

Huh? I have no idea. Maybe their farts have healing properties. I'm not sure I believe in unicorns. 

11. All the fruits in your fruit salad.

I make a really good fruit salad with cranberries, mango, passionfruit. lychees and grapes - all fresh fruit. Please note, there is no banana in my fruit salad. I don't like bananas. 

12. Describe the soil, grass, trees, flowers and rocks in your magical forest.

Again, another hypothetical thing I can't explain. Maybe think about the Forest of Dean in England. That's a pretty magical place. 

13. The lyrics which move you the most are:

The lyrics to I was only 19 by Redgum. That song brings me to tears. Nobody outside of Australia knows it. It's a song about the Vietnam War. 

My Funny Valentine also makes me sob far too often. 

14. What are the best sauces in the world?

Can anything beat Australian barbeque sauce, the one in the red bottle with the yellow lid. It's basic but wonderful. 

15. Write a haiku about nature

The environment
Here today, gone whenever
Who cares if it goes?

Today's song:


  1. I checked the sample menu of Vue de Monde and recognized almost nothing. Not sure I want to try kangaroo with nasturtium, Wattleseed damper, or Blackmore Wagyu.

  2. Hi Pand,

    If you venture up to the north of England let me know - but I am guessing you will be in London or thereabouts.

    Not been to Alnwick Castle - I do head that way sometimes though. I will take a look next time I head that way.

    Nice Haiku.




  3. "Stay, Valentine, stay..." Yeah, rather plaintive.
