Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sunday Stealing: The Pinterest Questions

 I've been hanging out with freemasons all day and I'm just a bit tired. It's amazing how septuagenarians and octogenarians take it out of you... So I might be a little brief on the questions tonight. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite book?

Oh, that, as always, goes to Louis de Bernieres' Captain Corelli's Mandolin. What a book. I love Louis de Bernieres works. His latest trilogy is magnificent too. 

2. Are you afraid of the dark?

Not really. I'm pretty good for the most part, but I don't like it when things go bump in the night. 

3. Are you mean?

I try to be kind and compassionate, but, like everybody, I do have my moments. 

4. Is cheating ever OK?

That is a loaded question. I think people will find ways to justify their cheating. It's a hard one. Humans are humans. 

5. Can you keep white shoes white?

Of course, no - no matter how hard you try they will turn up grey in the end. 

6. Are you currently bored?

No - I'm currently tired and I've had a bit too much to eat. Bloody freemasons. 

7. Would you change your name?

I've thought about it on occasion, but I don't have a firm idea about what I would change it to.

8. Do you like the subway?

Melbourne only has a limited underground presence known as the loop. Strangely, I'm looking forward to using the underground in Paris and London - as long as it isn't peak hour. 

9. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?

I have a friend sleeping on my couch at the moment. She goes back to Adelaide tomorrow. We've had some big deep and meaningfuls over the last day and a half. 

10. Dumbest lie you’ve ever told?

I told the group here that elephants paint their toenails red so that they can hide in strawberry patches. That's a lie. 

11. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?

The door to my bedroom is always open unless I'm in a hotel room. 

12. Favorite month?

August - it's winter and I have a birthday that month. 

13. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?

I'm one of those outliers that love white chocolate. Don't kill me. Somebody has to. 

14. Tea or coffee?

I like both, but I do love my coffee. 

15. Night or day?

Again, I like both. I love dawn and dusk most of all. But I'm more a daytime person. 

Today's song:


  1. Hi Pand,

    You should see my answer to the chocolate question.




  2. I guess you are the reason why white chocolate exists. I love milk chocolate, PM like dark chocolate...that leaves white (which has no flavor, IMO) for you.

  3. I took mass transit in Paris in May. Not too bad at all.
