Monday, September 18, 2023

Things Forgotten

Try as I might, packing for these trips is an art form which I'm still to completely master.

Into the bag goes four outfits for work. Underwear for five days. shortie pyjamas for padding around the hotel room. Some There's gym gear, knowing I'll want to go for a walk at some stage. The work sandals are at the bottom of the bag, although I'll probably stick to my Birkenstocks as it's Darwin and they don't cause my foot to hurt more. A pair of trainers. The toiletries kit, which has been specially packed with all sorts of things. A resistance band for stretching and exercising. My tarot cards have come along for the ride, on request by a couple of the team here in Darwin. A standard bag pack. I've done it enough times now.

It was a busy weekend. There were houseguests and a mason's convention and a cat to take to his Aunt's (and he's happy, he's eating and drinking and using his litter box and not destroying things - he's even stuck his head out and said hello to his 'Aunt' - all of which are good things.)

After getting back from dropping the cat off, I thought I threw the last few things in the case. I remember packing my make up. Not that I wear much. I remember putting the eyebrow pencil in the little bag. 

I went to the airport, after popping in at Blarney and Barney's place to check on their cats. 

The plane was on time. There was an empty middle seat between me and the guy on the aisle. We exchanged pleasantries before sticking our heads in our own devices. I think I slept for two hours on the way up. 

In Darwin, the plane was shot down. Well, that's what the landing felt like. 

I arrived in Darwin at 11.30 p.m.

I arrived at the hotel at 12.30 p.m.

After doing a quick unpack, I rinsed myself off in the shower, popped a Stilnox and slept until 7.30. 

This morning, after a quick breakfast, which I had also packed in the suitcase, along with the decaffeinated coffee bags, almonds, miso soup packets and muesli bars. I showered and dressed. 

But the makeup bag, which I packed back in Melbourne, appears to be still sitting on top of my washing machine. 


I don't wear much makeup, but I do feel naked without a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. There are also five or six lipsticks floating around my backpack. 

But that's not eyeliner and mascara (and some tinted moisturiser). 

I slunk next door to work, feeling a bit grim without the war paint. 

Needless to say, when we went out to get a coffee a bit later, I paid a visit to Chemist Warehouse, where I bought said eyeliner, mascara, tinted moisturiser with SPF 50 in the mix. 

And all was well with the world. 

Until I went to go for a swim tonight to find that I also forgot to pack my bathers. I've got the sarong. But no bathers. 

So much for going for a swim this trip. Looks like I'll be rolling around on the carpet stretching with the resistance band this trip. 


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