Tuesday, September 12, 2023

What I learned at the pub quiz

Tonight was pub quiz night. The team went down the Sherlock Holmes, had some beers and set up a team.

We were the Nerd Herd. Three Gen-Xers, a Gen Y and a Millennial. How badly could we go?

We were asked: True or False. The words, "Play it again, Sam" have never been uttered on film. 

The Millennial wrote down true. The Gen-Xers told them to hold their horses. Those words were not said in Casablanca. Doesn't mean they weren't said elsewhere. We changed the answer to False. 

We were asked how for long in distance and time the Wright Brothers first flight take place. The engineer among us started jotting things down on a serviette. 10 seconds, 120 meters was the answer he came up with. 

Where is Ella Hooper's hometown?

What was the name of Mary Woolstonecraft's father?

A trick Bruno Mars song title - see song of the day. 

Which living creature has the biggest brain compared with it's body?

In all, a pretty easy quiz for some, not of others. 

Needless to say, our team won. $50 worth of beer. 

We have to do it again. I'm just wondering how long it's going to take before I get thrown out of this trivia night. 

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