Monday, October 30, 2023


 Last night I went to Blarney's place and they fed me dinner. It looked like a nice dinner. Fried rice and chicken. Yum. 

I had about two bites, before my nose started running and my chest began to heave. 

This is the second time this has happened to me - the last time it was just before I went away, Barney was cooking a curry and I ended up hawking a lung.

So here I am thinking that I may have become allergic to chilli - as that is the only thing in common with what was cooking a few weeks ago and last night. It was a near instant 

The coughing abated after an hour. 

But I woke up this morning with an aching chest. I was a few hours into the day and I had to go buy some ventolin. The one I had on me had expired.

Over the day, I was feeling ropier. By 5 p.m.I was on the couch, trying to get up. 

I've fortified myself with panadol and ventolin. 

The covid test came back negative, but I'll test again in the morning. If I'm still feeling crap in the morning I'll make a doctor's appointment. 

Being sick sucks. 

Off to bed now.

Today's song: 

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