Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sunday Stealing: LEP Autumn

 It's Saturday night and I have stuff to do. The jet lag has finally abated and I am feeling much better about things. Jet lag plays with your head. It's insidious. 

Anyway, I'm going to get the Sunday questions out of the way early so I can enjoy the weekend. It's a nice weekend - a bit windy, but that is Spring in Melbourne. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1 Do you decorate for Autumn?

No. Why would I do that? It's never been on my radar. Oh, and if you mean for Halloween, I'm Australian, Halloween isn't as big a thing as it is in America. 

2. How often do you clean out your closets?

It's an ongoing concern. I move things on pretty regularly, but things then take their place. 

3. When is the last time you planned a surprise for someone?

I can't remember. I put some records in the mail for some friends in France the other day. They might be surprised to receive them. Not everybody is into surprises. 

4. Are there foods you really don’t like?

Bananas. Slimy, fickle things that they are. I don't mind banana lollies, and bananas in pancakes in Bali are fine, but that is about it. I avoid them. Most other fruit is fine. 

5. What is something you recently learned?

I'm a lot more confident when I'm speaking in French. It's strange, but I feel strangely powerful. 

6. Items you’re most likely to buy at a convenience store.

Things I buy at the local 7/11 (which is a chain convenience store over here)

  • Ice cream
  • Potato chips
  • A pre-made sandwich
  • Ice cream
  • Refills for my soda water pump (Soda stream)
  • Petrol (gas - as most 7/11s are also petrol/gas stations).

7. Do you believe in the paranormal?

Paranormal is in ghosts - yes - I'm good with that, Much more than that and I'll leave it. Ghosts are about, but they don't do much most of the time, thank goodness. 

8. How would you describe your spirituality?

I am spiritual, but not religious. I have no religious affiliations, but I do believe in a big G God. I read tarot. I feel energies, and work with them in a healing practice. I'm comfortable with that - it doesn't affect anybody else. 

9. Do you make plans far in advance?

Depends on what plans. Holidays, I plan far in advance normally, otherwise, I plan a week or so out, and leave it at that. My calendar books out pretty quickly. 

10. Do you like being scared for fun?

Not really. I'm not into horror films or anything like that. A mild thriller is about as far as I go. 

11. What has been difficult for you lately?

I'm really lucky as things have been pretty smooth of late. Long may that remain. Work has had its challenges, but that is the nature of work. There were a few hiccoughs on holiday, but they were just that - small bumps. I find that life is often a matter of how you look at things. 

12. Have you ever written or read fanfiction?

I have read some fanfiction, but never felt the need to write it. It makes those who write fanfiction very happy, and that is good for them. It's all reading and writing and this is a good thing. 

13. What type of wall art do you have in your home?

I have some posters and water colours on the wall, plus a few trinkets from my travels. That will do. 

14. Are you more likely to be private or overshare?

Despite the fact that a bit comes out about me in this blog, I am still pretty private. I've got strict boundaries that I adhere to. 

15. What have you recently learned to live without?

A life in Europe. Going back there has made me mourn it all the more. I loved living in London and I felt right at home in France. It's got me thinking. 

Today's song: 


  1. you answered #8 about the way I did.

  2. I've traveled by plane twice by plane in 2023 from upstate NY to Paris, France, and Las Vegas, NV (I saw the Eiffel Tower each time!). Jet lag was definitely an issue both times.

  3. I always miss London when I am not in England.

    I love bananas, but I have been told tht there are a lot of different kinds. We only know non slimy ones and bake bananas, which are green, small and hard.

    It's so great to feel confident speaking another language!! Good for you!
