Wednesday, November 1, 2023

It Came

 Look what came in the mail today!

It's only taken three weeks. 

And it's not even for me. 


I've got a good relationship with my postie, Dazz. Of course I'm going to send him a post card. 

So hopefully he was on duty when this got dropped off today. 

I'm quite proud of myself. I remembered to call Australia the French AUSTRALIE. Put Australia and it might end up in Austrial - then again, in French, Austria is L'Autriche. It's a bit different., Not like how Myponga gets all of Mypolonga's mail at the post office, and vice versa. I'm sure that's still happening. 

It's in my doctorish scrawl. 

It's got the non-descript French stamps on it, which I asked for in my best French at a post office near the Pompidou Centre. 

The card has a picture of the Eiffel Tower, which I didn't see lit up like that. I was there on a sunny day. I would have liked to see more of it, but we were having a picnic, and then we were heading to the Richelieu Library. It's just the way the day turned out. 

I've been up the tower, only to the second level. I'd like to go back.

I'll have to make it happen. 

Today's song: 

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