Wednesday, November 22, 2023

It's all in the way you look at it

 Tonight's trip out to deepest, darkest Carlton to see Stop Making Sense has been postponed, which when the news came though, I was rather pleased. There's two big nights of entertainment ahead, a night in was not going to hurt. 

I meandered home after work, taking the time to get my eyebrows done at Myer, taking in the very strange Christmas windows, collecting my mail, having some dinner, and then home. 

Listening to Matthew Perry's book on my phone, I get a lot about what he's saying. We shared a birthday, although he was a year younger and I've got my addictive tendencies under control. It's a sad book in many ways. We've just got to the part where he's auditioning for Friends. Listening to him read his book. it's like having Chander tell the tale.

Anyway, I get home. I do some housework. I feed the cat. I have a read. And a nap on the couch. 

And it comes the time to sit down and do some writing. Lucifer is asleep on my office chair. This is a normal thing. 

I pick him up and carry him into the bedroom. No reason to have him be uncomfortable. 

The light is turned on and I look to put him down on the bed. He looks and feels a bit guilty

Little bugger has yacked up a furball on the duvet.


But we have to look at the good things in this tale of woe. 

  • It's only one furball. 
  • I'm home to change the bedding and soak the duvet cover in soaker, ready for washing tomorrow. 
  • Tomorrow is going to be a good drying day. 
  • I get clean sheets tonight. Love clean sheet night. 
  • I didn't find said cat yak as I was going to bed. 
  • And the cat is fine.
Cats puke periodically. They generally vomit in places which are very inconvenient - like on the duvet. They are still cheaper to keep and less smelly and expensive than children. And they don't answer back, even if they give you side-eye.

It's all in the way you look at it. 

Today's song: 

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