Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Food

 I have a funny feeling today's questions are going to be a bit silly. Not sure I'm in the mood for silly questions, but we will give them a go. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be, and would you ever let yourself be smothered in cheese?

I'm probably best seen as a potato. I've got lots of uses, I can be very likable and I would love to be smothered in cheese, even if it isn't that good for me. 

2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be, and how long do you think it would take before you got sick of it?

Smoked salmon. I could never get sick of smoked salmon. I remember the first time I tried it clearly. It's incredible stuff. I like that you only need a little bit of it too. 

3. Would you rather have fingers made of licorice or spaghetti noodles for hair?

Stupid question. Next. 

4. What's the most unusual pizza topping combination you can think of that might actually taste surprisingly good?

This may be an Australian thing, but pickled beetroot and goats cheese on a pizza might go down surprisingly well. I can see it - many could not. It might need a potato base to show its best form. 

5. If you were an ice cream flavor, what would be your name, and what would the ingredients be?

Again, another strange flavour mix, but white chocolate and wasabi would be my flavour. I've only had it once, but it was understated and a little bit spicy. Loved it. 

6. If you could make a smoothie out of any three foods, which ones would you choose, and what would you name your concoction?

Can I please have mango, passionfruit and orange juice in my smoothing. I'd call it a bog standard. 

7. What's the funniest thing you've ever seen someone do with food?

I've seen children throw a lot of that - and that can be a funny thing. 

8. If your favorite food could talk, what do you think it would say about you?

"Can I get in your belly, please?"  Silly question. Next. 

9. If you were a chef, what outrageous names would you give to your dishes to make them more interesting?

This isn't something I'm into. Food is food. Tell me what I'm eating or I won't eat it. (Yes. I'm in one of those moods today). Next. 

10. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be, and what food do you think they'd be surprised to see on the menu?

I'd love to have dinner with William Shakespeare. I don't think I'd be surprised by a rather dull menu, but I would love to see what his table manners are like. 

11. What's the weirdest or grossest thing you've ever eaten just to impress someone else?

I thought pickled herring was going to be gross, but my Swedish housemates at the time egged me on and I worked out that I like them. Picked fish - who knew?

12. If breakfast cereals were characters in a TV show, which cereal would be the comedic sidekick, and which one would be the evil villain?

I don't eat cereals that have characters. I think it might be an American thing. That reminds me, I have to bag up my muesli to take with me to Darwin for my breakfast. Hippy breakfast foods don't have characters. 

13. If you could turn one vegetable into a superpower, which one would it be, and what could you do with it?

Silly question. Next. 

14. What do you think aliens would say about our strange Earth foods if they came to visit?

Yeah, not feeling the questions this week. Next. 

15. If foods had personalities, which two foods would make the weirdest couple, and why?

Sorry I haven't played along this week. I've got other things to do thank give vegetables personalities. I'll come again next week. It happens.

Today's song: 


  1. I, too, struggled with the absurdity of some of the questions this week. I actually thought it was just me because I was tired when I was answering them!!

  2. Yeah. The questions were difficult this week!

  3. I too skipped one or two, though I gave into a couple others.
