Saturday, November 25, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Surveys

 Today's community service activity was donating some plasma, which meant a trip into town to the blood bank, chewing on a number of antacids to stop any metallic tastes coming from the use of the anti-coagulants, and a feed of party sausage rolls once the process was over. All is well. Of course all is well. They even got my vein first time. 

Good questions this week, thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. How long was your last phone conversation?

I spoke to my mother for about ten minutes this morning. We talk most weekends. She's going to be busy bottling wine tomorrow, so she rang today. 

2. Have you ever dyed your hair?

I've been dyeing my hair since I was around 15. I don't have much of an idea as to what my natural hair colour is, but I'm sure it's not too far off the mid-brown my hairdresser keeps putting on my head. I was a redhead for a long time. I've never gone fully blonde but have had blonde streaks over the years. 

3. What do you have on your feet?

At the moment, nothing. Earlier, when I was out and about, I had my Birkenstock Mayaris on my feet. Love them. 

4. Do people ever mispronounce your name?

Not really. It's a bit hard to bugger up as it's a phonetic name - I mean - Pan-dor-a. It's not hard. My surname occasionally has an errant A left out, but that can be quickly corrected. Telemarketers are the only ones who stuff that up. 

5. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

I'm currently wearing a dress that I wore out last night. I found it on one of my writing retreat trading tables. We all bring along clothes that are too good to give away and we sell them on, proceeds going to charity. I've found some great stuff over the retreats. This was a good buy for $20. 

6. Does any part of your body hurt right now?

Not really. I've got a few niggles in my legs from doing some deadlifts with the trap bar. I'm just getting back to the gym after being ill - it's bound to happen, and it's just a few niggles. 

7. Do you drink hard liquor?

Yes. I do like the odd gin and tonic, or sip of single-malt whisky. And rum... and vodka. I like spirits, but they need to be imbibed in moderation. 

8. Have you ever read a book in one sitting?

Yes. Plenty of them. I think I got through a number of the Harry Potter books by spending a day in bed. 

9. Do you like cats?  Why or why not?

I love cats. I own a cat (or he owns me, I am his slave). They are wonderful, independent souls with funny personalities. Adore them. 

10. Do you like the ocean?

Yes, I love the sea. I like being near it, paddling in it, watching it. I'm okay swimming in it as long as it isn't too rough. 

11. Ever think you might have seen a UFO?

No, never seen one of those. I've watched satellites in the sky, saw Halley's comet and even witness the Aurora Australis, but no UFOs. 

12. Do you type fast?

Fairly fast. I reckon I'm up around the 60-80 words a minute speed. I touch type, which makes this doable. I've been typing for long enough. 

13. How long are you usually in the shower for?

Depends on which end of the day. My evening shower is a rinse off the day event, and I'm only under the water for about two minutes. In the morning, I'm a bit more thorough. I'm in the shower for about five minutes - a bit longer if I have to wash my hair. 

14. Chinese food or Mexican food?

Both - and depending on the mood, the day, who I'm with and how hungry I am. I had Chinese last night, but thinking about Mexican, I might have to make fajitas tomorrow. I need to do my food shopping tomorrow. 

15. Do you read and believe your horoscope?

I dabble in astrology, but don't put much credence in astrologers. Some are better than others. Jonathan Cainer used to be amazingly accurate. But astrology needs to be done on a personal level, or read, then taken with a grain of salt. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    Yes indeed - my cats are my masters and I am grateful that they allow me to be their slave.

    There's too much light pollution where I live to allow me to look up at the sky and spot anything like a satellite. That said, I do like it when I am in an isolated place abroad and can actually see things. I saw Saturn through a telescope in Barbados - that was amazing.




  2. I like your astrology answer. There are a couple of sites that have a sensible approach without the pop-culture mumbo jumbo.
