Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Thanksgiving

 It's the start of what I will call Musical week, so I might have to make this brief, and there are lots of things to go to. 

Something else. Thanksgiving is not a thing in Australia. The only time you will go to a Thanksgiving bash is when you have American friends or family who insist on doing something, normally on the weekend after the designated Thursday. This is the only reason why I know I like sweet potatoes and marshmallow - to the Australian palate this sounds gross, but it's actually quite nice. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1.  People I'd like to thank and why?

First and foremost, I really want to thank my old French teacher for instilling me with the ability to learn another language. She was instrumental in me learning how learn and absorb languages. I should drop her a line over Facebook. I doubt she'll remember me, but it would be nice to say thank you. I owe here a lot. 

2. Something I rebelled against as a kid.

PE, Physical Education, Sport - what ever you want to call it, I hated it at school. Strange thing is now I love exercise and hate when I don't get exercise in. 

3. What I need to accomplish before the end of the year.

I don't need to do this, but I would like to get 20,000 words of my novel down by the end of the year. I've sucked at NaNoWriMo, but I'd like to do some writing for me, not just work writing or this blog.

4. Guilty pleasures right now.

I have discovered Red Rock Deli Honey Mustard potato chips. They are grouse. I'm also binging Lessons in Chemistry on Apple TV+. I loved the book and I'm loving the show, even though there are some differences. 

5. Local landmarks.

The Skipping Girl Vinegar sign which is up the road. She was one of the first neon signs in Melbourne and she still skips her way into the night. 

6. Cause or purpose I deeply believe in.

This is probably contentious for the American audience, but I am very passionate about abortion rights. It's a woman's body, it's a woman's choice. Full stop. Period. It should be seen as a medical procedure. Sure, there need to be checks and balances, but it is a very necessary procedure and it's nobody's business but that of the woman and her doctor. Nuff said. 

7. Things I never learned to do.

Things I have never done or learned to do (as yet):

  • Be married
  • Water ski
  • Ride a motorbike
  • Speak German
  • Fly a plane
  • Cook a roast dinner
  • Completely understand rugby union
  • Kill fish after I've caught them.

8. Seasonal traditions I’m always excited for.

We are going into summer. I don't like summer that much but I do like spending time in beer gardens in the evening over Summer. Beer gardens, with a light meal and beer and some friends - great way to spend a balmy evening. I'm also looking forward to three weeks off work. Not looking forward to the no pay, but a few weeks off will be great. That and playing beach cricket. 

9. Something I’d like to be mentored on

I would love a novel mentor. Somebody to whom I can show pages, get some critical feedback and somebody to shove a boot up my arse now and then. Writing is such a lonely pursuit at times.

10. Exotic animals I wish I could keep as pets

Can I have a red panda please. Lucifer won't like it, but I think they're cute.

11. Something normal to me, that might be odd to others

Ironing. I love ironing. Nobody else does, but I find it relaxing. 

12. The last book I quit reading and why

I quit very few books. I will normally persevere. I have never bothered going back to The Hobbit after 40 years. It's boring. I've not read the Narnia books for the same reason. 

13. Right now, I appreciate...

Quiet time. My cat. Calling my cat Lucifer, then being introduced at an event as Lucifer's Mother. I thought that was quite cute. 

14. When “the holiday season” starts for me

When I turn off my work computer for the last time before going on a break. Remember, it's summer here. It's not a time to hunker down, keep warmm light a fire and all that. Just being off with a drink in my hand in somebody else's back yard in enough. 

15. Holiday foods and treats I love the most

Prawns. And cassata. I love prawns and we have a lot of them over Christmas. And I make a very good cassata in honor of my aunt who is no longer with us. She had a birthday on Christmas Day and we always made her one of these as her birthday cake. 

16. “Terrible” movies that I actually like

Some would say that The Princess Bride is an awful movie, but I love it. The Room is astoundingly awful, but it's a good laugh. Many people don't like baseball movies, but I love them. 

17. Cooking all day for holiday dinner vs. ordering carry-out

Ah, I've never cooked a full Christmas dinner, although at Blarney's place, I'm in charge of glazing the ham any given year. But I still like a home cooked meal on Christmas Day. 

18. If I were trapped in a holiday movie, I’d pick...

Possibly Love, Actually, if only to tear Alan Rickman a new one for messing about on Emma Thompson. That film makes me smile.

19. Which holiday tradition I wish lasted all year long

I love this tradition you find in Iceland (or one of the Scandinavian Countries) where books are given for Christmas and people, after dinner, can go off an read those books. Sounds like heaven. 

20. Favorite books, music, tv, movies and music this month

Favourite Books of the month. I'm currently reading Paddy O'Reilly's Other Houses, which is a treat, as well as listening to David Grann's Killers of the Flower Moon, which is also excellent. 

Favourite Music: I'm boning up on Taylor Swift for a tribute concert on Friday. I can take or leave Tay Tay, but it's fun. I'm going because I like the artists who are doing the tributing. 

Favourite TV: I'll keep going on about Lessons in Chemistry, which is streaming on Apple +. Superb television. 

Favourite movies: I saw Saltburn yesterday. Loved it. Just my cup of tea. 

Today's song: