Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Night Off

It's not really a night off as I'm getting on the Red Eye to Sydney at 1 a.m. but tonight, before getting into the Uber to go the airport, I get to spend some time relaxing, packing and generally not having to talk to people for an evening. It's never a bad thing. 

I've a few things to do. 
  • Write this
  • Put my recycling in the recycling bin on the fourth floor
  • Watch Bridesmaids - because it still makes me laugh and it's the only decent thing on terrestrial telly at the moment (note to self, bring my chromecast next time so I can watch Netflix on the big screen here)
  • Finish packing
  • Do a few more lines of knitting
  • Get Uber Eats for dinner instead of going out
  • Do some stretching with my trusty resistance band
Then, just after eleven, I'll get my Uber to the airport. I keep checking the Qantas app to make sure the plane isn't late or cancelled. So far, so good. They let us keep the room for the day if we're taking the red eye in case something happens. 

We've got this Darwin thing to a fine art, though there was a part of me, this afternoon, who would love to drive up here one day. Yes, I know it's three- or four-days drive. Yes, I know it's boring. But cruising down the Stuart Highway this afternoon in the comfortable work car, there was the temptation to keep on going. There's something rather romantic about a road trip. 

I better throw the last of my things in my bag, clean my teeth and pray I get some sleep on the plane.

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