Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Night French

 I got home on time, fed the cat, fed myself and made my way out to Wednesday night French. In my desire to keep my French skills up, and learn more and become more proficient, I went onto and found this group, which meets up once a month on a Wednesday night where people of all experience and ability can meet up and speak French. The cafe is five minutes' drive away. What would I have to lose?

Turns out, nothing. 

On turning up to this very cute bar on Bridge Road at the allotted time, I found some people speaking French. And it was on for the next two hours. 

I've not used MeetUp before but have heard good things about it. The platform allows you to meet up with people who have similar interests, be it movies, bushwalking, swimming... you name it. In my case, it was French Conversation. After the trip in October, I want to keep up my language skills as well as meet a few new people with whom I can speak French with. 

And they were really nice people. I sat with the bulk of people who have reasonable skills, a couple of native speakers and a couple of newbies. 

And everybody was lovely. 

It was a good two hours. The bar got a bit noisy at times, but nothing too bad. 

But it was so nice to speak French again for a bit.

I'm doing my daily minutes on the Duolingo app still. I'm on a 425-day streak at the moment. 

I don't know when I'll be going back to France of when I might use these skills again, but it feels right to turn up for a few hours to flex my French knowledge.

It's once a month. It costs nothing. I'm meeting different people?

There is nothing to lose. 

Today's song:

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