Tuesday, December 5, 2023

20 Minutes a Day

 20 minutes is all it takes. Who knew?

The day started well with an email from Duolingo - it appears my 20 minute a day, 447 day learning streak had paid dividends. 

And yes, I have a dreadful competitive streak, and yes, going to France for a holiday was good impetus to keep going, but I've been back from holidays for six weeks and I'm still doing my 20 minutes a day. I fit it in when I can. Before I get out of bed. During natural breaks at work. On the couch before I go to bed.  It's 20 minutes a day. it's nothing. 

And yes, I'm lucky, because I'm a polyglot - languages come easy to me. And yes, I did French all through high school where it was one of my favourite subjects. I did French in first year university and hated it. Regardless, lessons of 40 years ago have stuck. And yes, I've always tried to keep some of the language skills fresh. So, 20 minutes a day is nothing. 

What this doesn't say is that I've been doing my lessons with a 90% accuracy.

It also doesn't relate how easy this made travelling in France. I don't think my French is any good, but I was able to converse freely, and albeit simply while I was there. When I ran out of French I simply threw up my hands and said, "Pardonnez moi, je suis Australienne..." If you're Australian and speaking okay French, you're in. Besides, you're not English and American. 

So I will keep going with this French folly. I have a cellular need to get back to Europe and doing my daily lessons is part of my way of manifesting this. Besides, I enjoy it. I feel better about things when I'm speaking in French. It's a glorious language. It's got great words - like libellule (dragonfly), coquelicots (poppies) and bagpipes (cornemuse). (The dutch word for bagpipes is better - doedelzakken).

It's also got me thinking. If this is what comes from doing something for 20 minute a day, what else could I do. Sure, I normally spend about 20 minutes a day on this blog.  I've upped the exercise in the last few weeks - I know what benefits can be gained from ensuring I get some movement in place. But what else could committing to 20 minutes a day make better in my life?

Today's song:

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