Friday, December 15, 2023


 Holidays started today, not that I think I deserve a holiday - I only had one in October. 

It's three weeks off, and I want to kick some goals. 

So I've got out the Kanban board. 

What's a Kanban? I'm glad you asked. 

It's a visual way to monitor your tasks. 

You write what you need to get done on a post it. Then when you start the job you put it in the underway column. Then when the job is done, it goes in the done column. 


I just need the structure for the next few weeks - and this works. 

There will be more cards (post its)

So far I have jobs like: 

  • Clean the oven
  • Exercise for 45 minutes (daily)
  • Clean the floors (weekly)
  • Write some fiction (daily)
  • Put some stuff on Facebook Marketplace
  • Clean and tidy the spare room
  • Get a skin check (booked in for Monday)
Stuff like that. 

The point of the Kanban is that you can see what you've done over the time. 

Hopefully, it will keep me on track. I want to come out of this break having achieved something, rather than spend the three weeks getting elegantly wasted. 

Today's song:

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