Saturday, December 23, 2023

Rum Balls, Venetians and Cassata

 I forget how much I love to bake. I rarely do it as I don't have people to cook for and the calories are just too much for my solitary existence, nor to I spend much time in an office any more. Besides, baking is best shared  and for special occasions. 

But it's Christmas, which means the annual Christmas baking. 

On my list, there is: 

  • Rum balls
  • Venetian biscuits
  • A cassata
  • A baked cheesecake
  • Sausage rolls for Christmas morning. 
The rum balls, which I have renamed Bundy Balls, have been made, along with the Venetians - these have been made for my stairwell neighbours - all good people - as it comes to neighbours, just what you need - quiet, not nosy, friendly enough and considerate. Good to have a quick chat with. I've got something little for the little girl next door. She's one and a complete delight. I'm Auntie Next Door. 

The first layer of the cassata has been made. Brandy-soaked cherries and sultanas mixed with cream and frozen. The ice cream is softening for the next layer, which will be mixed with melted chocolate. The third layer is plain ice cream - and I'll put some toasted almonds on top. This gets made in memory of my darling Aunt who died over ten years ago. Her birthday was on Christmas Day and we always made this for her birthday cake. 

I've never made a baked cheesecake before, but it can't be too hard. There are lots of tips online. 

So it's all coming together. 

Oh yes, tomorrow, I have to get the mixture together for the sausage rolls - it will be a joint effort for breakfast. Sounds like a plan. 

Needless to say, I'm very content at the moment. I'm doing something I love. 

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