Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Christmas

 On the good side of things, I got the worst of my Christmas shopping out of the way after our book group meeting. All that is left is to get some books for Blarney, some beer for Barney and some vouchers for the family, and I am done (waiting for pay day on Wednesday now). 

So, here are the Sunday Question, thanks, as always, to Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

I can't remember. I remember my step-dad forgiving me a small loan I took with him to pay for some tuition many years back. I'm forever grateful for that. I gave myself a trip to Thailand, where we rode elephants on Christmas day (and gave them cuddles). That was pretty good. This year I'm giving myself a trip to Sydney to see Ludovico Einaudi play at the Sydney Opera house. He's amazing. 

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

I have no real memories of receiving bad presents although I'm sure I've received socks over the years. Saying that, I've just bought some socks for Twelve, my trainer, as a Christmas present. He's a boy - it was either socks or beer.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

Yes. See today's song at the bottom of this post. 

I'm also okay with some of the more chorally songs, like Carol of the Bells... but the songs that are played too often - no thanks. Give me Shane MacGowan and Kirsty McColl please. 

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?

Does avoidance count?

Christmas isn't an easy time for my family. My niece lost her battle with leukaemia eight years ago in the week before Christmas. It was a shocking time for the family, and we still feel the reverberations. I will admit to avoiding spending Christmas Day with my family most years because if this. Living interstate, I have my Melbourne family, so I see myself being on ham glazing duty at Blarney and Barney's place. I will make a cheesecake. I may even go over early and make sausage rolls and savoury toast/cheese toasties (Barney and I argue about the best way to make these). We might make this a new Christmas tradition. 

5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?

I have a bit of a love of White Christmas. It might be an Australian thing. Recipe in the link. 

6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?

I did until I was five-years-old. And then the girl from across the road, a Jehovah's Witness, put me on the straight and narrow. I was not allowed to tell my sister. So, thanks to Karen Hawker for putting me in the know so young. The Jehovah's Witnesses stole my innocence and took away my sense of joy. . 

7. How early do you start decorating?

I don't decorate for Christmas. The nearest thing I have to a Christmas decoration is a Skull vodka bottle full of fairy lights. I've never decorated the place for Christmas. I'm allergic to tinsel. 

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?

Somewhere in between. If I see something that somebody might like I will get on the boat early. This year, I'm waiting for pay day on Wednesday before I do the bulk of it, which I have to say, is mainly vouchers and alcohol. 

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?

I like doing both. 

10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?


Okay, if you want a 'real' Christmas movie, then that would be probably Love, Actually, even if I want to brain Alan Rickman for doing the dirty on Emma Thompson. 

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?

I've had some great Christmases with Blarney and Barney in Tasmania. We have a tradition when we are down there for going to get a coffee at McDonalds in Launceston - so bogan, so much fun. 

But my favourite Christmas we one I had in friends in London about 30 years ago. It was over a few days. There were the family, their baby son, a gay couple and another friend. There was a lot of alcohol and Pictionary. It was a good couple of days. 

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

No, that's something you do on Christmas Day. 

Today's song: 


  1. I have definitely had my less-than-great Christmases. 1980. I broke up with my girlfriend on Dec 1. A week John Lennon died.

  2. Hi Pand,

    First of all Merry Christmas to you and Lucifer. I was in Oman in December one year and it seemed really really weird in the hotel with Chritmas trees and outside it was about 30 degrees so I see what you mean.

    #1. That sounds like an amazing trip. I was ill the day we were supposed to ride an elephant so I missed out.

    #3. Yes - we do share some musical taste I think.

    #10. Yes - Die Hard is amazing. That is my favourite now. I love it.




  3. White Christmas sounds delicious. I may try it.

  4. I love both your Christmas movie and song! The song seems especially poignant this year, doesn't it?
