Friday, December 29, 2023

To Parkrun, or not to Parkrun

Do I want to do Parkrun in the morning? Or in my case, do the Parkwalk. 

Parkrun? Yes, it's a thing all around Australia. It's a set five kilometre course, which starts at 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. It's free, but you do have to sign in and bring along this bar code, which helps to record your times. It's run by volunteers. It's all over in about an hour. They have tail walkers who make sure everybody clear at the end, marshalls along the way and people cheering you along. It is a very friendly atmosphere, and you go at your own pace. And I'm thinking about going. 

If they let people walk the Parkrun course here at Myponga, I will go. And they generally have a big contingent of walkers at these events. Saying that, the Myponga reservoir has aboout 30 people turn up most weeks. The ones in the city have well over a hundred. The one I have gone to in Darebin has 200 or more people turn up on any given Saturday. 

Yes, there is a Parkrun course here in Myponga, along the banks of the reservoir and around the fire trails at the back of the town. It will be strange to go down Eatts Street again. I just remember that being the place where our old school bus driver used to live. 

So do I go to Parkrun? Leave the car near the school and walk across the road, dodging the cars going down to the Kangaroo Island ferry? Do I front up and go for an amble around the track, safe in the knowledge that somebody has been through before to chase away the snakes? 

Do I really want to go and do Parkrun? I have my gym gear with me. It's only 5 kilometres. It will be a cool morning. As we are over the escarpment, the temperature is about five degrees cooler than it is on the other side of the hill. 

Do I want to be pleasant to people I don't know, or people I may have known some 40 years ago? Remember, I grew up around here. 

Do I risk skittling kangaroos as I drive the seven kilometres into town just after dawn?

Do I really want to do this, rather than stay in bed, with my cat, reading a book?

The question will be asked at seven 'o'clock tomorrow morning. Until then, the jury is out. 

Today's song:

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